House Republicans Sing ‘Amazing Grace’

Two weeks ago they were meeting (hiding out) behind closed doors, swilling down so much booze reporters could smell it on them from 10 feet away, as they exited the room–today they’re bragging about belting out Amazing Grace.

House Republicans opened a debt limit meeting Tuesday morning with a group singing of “Amazing Grace.”

“All three verses, without the words written out,” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) told a New York Times reporter. “Isn’t that impressive?”

Rep. Steve Southerland (R-IL), who was in charge of leading the morning prayer, broke out in song, and slowly the entire group began to sing along, a LA Times writer reported.


Perhaps the Democrats will respond with a few verses of “Fight The Good Fight”. My suggestion is they ALL repent and “Gather at the River”

2 comments on “House Republicans Sing ‘Amazing Grace’

  1. I’m all for hymnody … but you know what would be truly “impressive”? The House Republicans deciding to fund the government, end their government shutdown, and trying to prevent (before tomorrow!) the US beginning to default.

    Unfortunately — unlike in “Amazing Grace” — it’s these “wretches” who are the only ones in a position to save us, but — bewilderingly — House Republicans are more interested in putting our country “through many dangers, toils, and snares”.

    • Well it looks like some kind of deal was struck…i haven’t had time to read about it yet.

      But i tend to agree with you Paul, the

      House Republicans are more interested in putting our country “through many dangers, toils, and snares”.

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