A personal note…

I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. ~ I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. ~ I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. ~ God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. (Psalm 3:4, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 142:1-2, Psalm 46:1)

Tonight my heart overflows with gratitude and love  — for the Lord heard and answered the many prayers which were sent up for my 39 year old son Richard. He suffered a sudden heart attack late last night; but after surgery is now resting comfortably in Cincinnati’s Christ hospital.

Thank you Helen, Libby, Samantha, Wayne, and Pastor Charles; plus all the others, who after receiving the call immediately stopped what you were doing and went before the Lord on behalf of Richard.

And most of all, thank you Jesus… for when all I could do was to call out your name, you comforted me with your peace which passes all understanding.

15 comments on “A personal note…

  1. To God goes the Glory! Thanking the Lord for His keeping of your son Jaunita. Praying for you all.

  2. So sorry to hear about your son PJ, I will be praying for him and for peace and rest for you. Love to you and God bless you!

  3. Oh my PJ…

    I’m praying for Richard now. Praise the Lord that He answered the prayers of many! Thank you Jesus!


  4. So sorry to hear this news PJ …

    Praise God for his faithfulness in all our trials!

    I will pray for your son’s recovery.

  5. Kim, Mrs.B, Katie, and Cathy, thank you so much for offering to pray for Richard. It means a lot.

    Amen sisters! God is faithful in bringing us through whatever trial we find ourselves suddenly in. His peace, which seems to totally envelope us at those times, is something hard to explain. Kim, i know for a fact you’ve personally experienced that kind of peace. (Perhaps you all have?)

    You know, i cannot imagine what it must be like to not have Jesus to call upon. We are so blessed sisters…we really are.

    I’ve had this song on my mind today..

  6. Dear Pj I am touched by your circumstance, and consider it pure joy to lift up Richards name in prayer at this time.

    May The Lord restore your son to full health, and fill his mouth with praises.

    I am still remembering Libby, and trust she is still well and settled. THANK YOU JESUS!

    • Thanks RoT

      And thanks for remembering Libby. She’s getting settled in and seems much happier here. She even went to the hospital with me to sit with Richard.

      I found her a refurbished computer at Dell on-line, so she’s browsing away. ahahaha.. 😉

  7. pj – having just returned from the revival conference at Moriah Chapel in Loughor, Wales I read of your son’s heart attack and am saddened because of it and pray for a speedy recovery and that God will bless his family and his finances and any other area that needs God to bless him.

    The conference left me feeling humbled. There was no cost to attend, the only book was one they were giving away, there was no hype, there was no big music band just a piano and welsh voices. On the night that Paul Washer spoke I recall him standing at the door humbly welcoming people as they entered, not standing down the front with the “leaders”.

    I do recommend that all who have time listen to the sermons which are now on Sermon Index.

    A man called Yorrie Richards spoke. He is an elderly man and half way through wanted a glass of water. One of the organisers said “it’s on the floor” – Oh he said “I didn’t expect it to be on the floor”. I think that was a prophetic word which summed up the essence of what the speakers were saying in that revival happens in unexpected places, with unexpected people and in unexpected ways. May we be willing and ready to recognise where God is working – where the rivers of living water are flowing.

    I hesitate to recommend one speaker over another but would commend to you David Legge – God’s new thing. He speaks to people who have a discerning heart but cautions against legalism. He said that the pharisees recognised false doctrine a mile off but did not recognise God when he showed up in the flesh. He also said that it is a tragety the most biblically literate oppose a work of God on doctrinal grounds and that legalism requires God to work in a way I am comfortable with.

    God Bless pj

    • Glad to here you were blessed by the conference Jan.

      I hesitate to recommend one speaker over another but would commend to you David Legge – God’s new thing.

      O my…he was there? I would love to have met him. For the last few years i’ve received updates from his website (Preach the Word) when new audio sermons are added. I just love to listen to him preach God’s word Jan.

      I do recommend that all who have time listen to the sermons which are now on Sermon Index.


      I’ll be checking it out tonight.

      ps- thanks for praying for Richard.

  8. Thanking our Lord right now for your son’s recovery and health. He is forever faithful and always hears the prayers of His saints.

    Please let us know of Richard’s progress as we continue in praise and prayer.

    • He got to come home this afternoon, so im praising the Lord.

      Now, if he will just listen to the doctors and rest, im believing for a full recovery.

      I wanted to say also, i told him there were people praying for him on the blog. He asked me to tell everyone how grateful he is for your prayers.

      He even mentioned it twice, so i wouldn’t forget to let you guys know how much he appreciates all your prayers.

  9. Hey Jan, How wonderful the Wales conference sounds. If I had been in the UK I would definately have attended myself. Did you manage to find Elizabeth A btw? Just wondering……

    Hey Pj, SO GLAD your Richard is home. That is a great statement in itself. We won’t ‘let up’ though, and will continue to lift him up with praise and thanksgiving.

  10. Hi RofT – Yes, I did meet up with Elizabeth a – what a blessing – she’s just as nice in real life :). Maybe we’ll meet up at the next one?

    pj – … now if he’ll just… yes, I’ve got one of those.

  11. PJ, I am so sorry I missed this, as I was on the road. We are still praying and very glad to hear the news.

  12. Thanks Joel.

    Yes, please keep Richard in prayer. He’s returning to work next Monday. Thankfully his job is driving a truck.

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