
That’s in Theology and Eschatology. I want to use this page to post the links to some of the more interesting posts on both topics–plus, post links to some good articles/teachings on both subjects found on other blogs and websites: perhaps even a few book recommendations. What you may find is that some of the topics posted may over-lap: its hard to separate Eschatological points of view from ones Theological beliefs, also the study of Eschatology is in reality a “form” or branch of Theology. Theology itself is a HUGE topic which can compass any number of sub-topics: this will be more on the line of just offering links to articles which help explain the different ‘schools of theology’, and what they teach. Rather then try to separate the articles into one or the other, I’m just going to post the title and links together.

First, a brief simple definition of both terms:

  • Theology: 1. The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions. 2. A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions.
  • Eschatology: 1. a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind. 2. beliefs concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically : any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment.

* Theological FAQs

* Jerusalem, AD70: The Worst Desolation Ever? Has ‘The Great Tribulation’ Now Past?

* Confessions of a Radical

* The Nicene Council Media on Dispensationalism (articles)


*Does the bible teach that there are two peoples of God, Israel and the Church?

* Is Dispensationalism biblical?


*MGN Conference 2008: THE TRIBULATION

*How to Respond to “That’s Your Interpretation”

*Tribulation or Rapture – Which? (one of at least 3 positions on the topic)

*John Hagee: Christian Zionism’s Cause or Effect?

*THE ISRAEL OF GOD: a consideration of so-called “Replacement Theology”

*Answering the “Replacement Theology” Critics

*Advanced Eschatology (excellent study website)

*Biblical Theology (multi-links)

*Three Millennial Views

*From Monergism:The Threat of Christian Zionism, by Nathan Pitchford

*Who Is Israel? – By Steve Lumbley (Excellent Teaching)

*The Bible and Consistent Literalism?

* Christology: Jesus Christ

*The Bible and End Times

*BAD Theology

*Dispensationalism and the Eclipse of Christ (An Open Correspondence)


*The Church, Israel, and “Replacement” Theology – Part I

*The Church, Israel, and “Replacement” Theology – Part II

*The Church, Israel, and “Replacement” Theology – Part III

*Does the Church Replace Israel?

*Dr. Kim Riddlebarger on Eschatology

*The Book of Daniel, (4) essays

*Truth, Error, and the End Times: An interview with Kim Riddlebarger, part 1

*Truth, Error, and the End Times: An interview with Kim Riddlebarger, part 2

*Moses or Christ?

*C. I. Scofield and His Reference Bible

*Analyzing Scofield (this is very interesting)

*Prepared for the Coming Tribulation by Corrie Ten Boom -1974

(4) part teaching on Covenant and Dispensational Theology: Understanding the relation of the Old/New Covenants:

Part 1Covenant and Dispensational Theology

Part 2Covenant and Dispensational Theology Part (2)

Part 3Covenant and Dispensational Theology Part (3)

Part 4Covenant and Dispensational Theology *conclusion

*Spurgeon and Eschatology

*How does the Old Testament apply to Christians today?

*Israel: Modern Reformation View

*Remnant Theology: Basic Beliefs..

Part (1) Behind the Lordship Controversy
Part (2) Lordship, Non-Lordship and Dispensationalism
Part (3) A History of Dispensationalism in America
Part (4) Lordship and the Nature of Saving Faith
Part (5)The Lordship Controversy and The Carnal Christian Teaching (Part A)
Part (6) The continuation of the Carnal Christian Teaching (Part B)
Part (7) The Lordship Controversy and the Carnal Christian Teaching (Part C)

Versions of Dispensationalism

Video: God Centered or Man Centered Theology?

Dual Covenant Theology and CUFI

Rethinking Eschatology: Dominionists on the Move

* UNABRIDGED LIBRARY OF JOSEPHUS’: The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem & Josephan Studies Archives

* Pentecostals And Charismatics: What’s The Difference?

8 comments on “‘ologys’

  1. ooh! this is awesome PJ thanks for posting! 🙂

  2. Hey girl, it was one of your comments that gave me the idea…
    so thank you!

  3. I’m very glad ya’ll posted this collection – I find it most edifying. My wife and I are in a small group study at our church studying the 1689 London Baptist Confession, having recently moved to a reformed church after 25 years of being covertly taught a mix of Arminian Dispensationism.

    May the Lord bless ya’ll.

  4. It is good to bring these things out. Man is much more comfortable feeding his intellect – than he is feeding his spirit. The old ‘eating from the wrong tree’ is widely promoted and practiced. This reminded me of a paper the Lord gave me, ‘Getting free from all the ‘ism’s’ and ‘ologies,’ which runs along the same line. Accumulating head knowledge has the reverse effect, instead of bringing us closer to God, it separates us from Him, because we are standing in our own strength rather than by faith in the I AM. We are fast entering into the hour when it is no longer even relevant what we ‘think’ – we are being required to go beyond talking it, we must LIVE it, and we can only live it by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    ‘Ology’ means ‘the study of’… would that people could hear and know that the study of cannot and will not save them. All the teachings and doctrines men have contrived down through the centuries, cannot impart Life. “Ye must be born again!”
    Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD!!

    Be blessed, Cathy

  5. Thanks Cathy…

    You’re right. Head knowledge alone will never get us anywhere, and it sure won’t save us.

  6. PJ
    I ‘ve only just discovered this part of your website and after a perusal [ I’ll re-read ] of many articles posted here , find myself in agreeance with much of what I’ve read.Its reassuring to know that I’m not the only one who understands scripture in a certain light, but there are some others here also.

  7. We would love to have you and your readers join our Christian forums here: http://www.TheologyForums.org

  8. I think that this is great your points on – the “Olgys”. I read this quote sometime in the past year and could not have agreed with it more.

    “For too many of us, we have been on the paths that others have made and did not know that these paths were not the paths of LORD. It is like the study of theology in seminary. Theo is Greek for god and logy is Greek for study. But what ends up happening is that the students don’t study God, they study the studies of the studies of God, sometimes for numerous generations. It should then be called THEOLOGYLOGYLOGY.”

    “Major moves in various denominations and sects have occurred when people actually read the word for themselves, instead of taking the teachings of men as gospel, breaking away from the errors that they saw. Unfortunately, some get stuck in that revelation, making it a rut, instead of continuing the journey. That’s how a sect or denomination is born. Many years ago, when I saw that passage in JER 6:16, “so says The LORD, stand by the ways and seek, and ask for the eternal paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will attain rest for your nefeshoth [beings]. but they said, we will not walk in it.”, I took The LORD at His word and I asked Him for these eternal paths and have never looked back.” paraphrased from here: http://www.lebtahor.com/StumblingBlocks/wayofyhwh.htm

    I have embrace a similar vision and heartcry, in a search for truth. On a Journey toward Pre-Denominational Christianity. I think that I would expound on the quote above that it is not just a rut, but more often what happens, is the embrace of the re-discovered knowledge or biblical truths is an elitist or elitism takes root from pride. If pride takes root over the rediscovery of biblical truth, an exclusiveness or arrogance takes root and they become the sole means of true salvation. Control or cults develop from true biblical truth that get twisted, or taken to an extreme. What most believers today do not understand is that from Martin Luther forward that many of the doctrines and beliefs we hold/held are mixtures of catholic and protestant beliefs and doctrines. Great example – “Christ- Mass” and Easter, the Good Friday resurrection vs 3 days and 3 nights in the grace, a mathematical impossibility, plus many, many more. What about the public reading of the Scripture? Just Imagine the can of worms that would open.

    When a remnant of the Jews returned from the exile to Babylon, In the Torah it was commanded that the Law was to be read to all the people once every 7 years during the Fall feast (this was on the sabbatical year). The leaders that returned from Babylon, in Nehemiah re-read the Law before the people – from this point through the time of the Apostles, the Torah and prophets were then read on a annual or tri-annual cycle that the Law and a portion of the prophets would be read on the Sabbath in the Synagogue. We see this with Jesus reading from the Scroll of Isaiah. It’s referenced in Acts 15. Paul gives direction to continue the practice in His absence. 1 Tim 4:13

    A side note that the scriptures would have only been primarily the Torah and other scrolls or writings of the OT. The 1st century churches that Paul was addressing did not have more than a few of the epistles, The earliest we can see a canonization of the NT would have been 90 AD.

    It is easily overlooked in an age where most western believers, have not one but multiple copies of the Bible in their homes, sadly little more than great dust collectors. In our modern age of instant communication, we take for granted or fail to understand the cost of handwritten scrolls and parchments. The first complete Greek Bible NT & OT – the codex sinaticus (circa 3rd Century CE/AD) had four million hand written letters, it required the hides of 360 animals and would have equaled the lifetime wages of the average worker, for materials and scribal work. Then the issue was also literacy.

    What would happened if the modern christian church, followed the first century church and committed a portion of every service to the public reading of the first five books of the bible? ( Only about 20 minutes per service.) How does faith come? By reading the word or by hearing the word? Yet how can one understand the NT if you don’t know the OT. Our savior was a Torah observant Jew? One can not truly understand Paul a Pharisee who more than like had the first five books memorized, you have to know who Gamilel is and why it would be doubtful that Paul didn’t have them memorized. Not having a foundational understanding of the Law of Moses. Reading the NT without that, It is like trying to read a map without a legend or a north marker. We have kept Pauls command to teach and preach well but failed on public reading, but sadly what is preached are doctrines ripped from context of a single or partial verse, that are often in complete disagreement with the full council of the word.

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