Kim Davis Should Render to Caesar What Is Caesar’s

Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis would do more for the Gospel by stepping down rather than continuing her legal fight to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

As a New York-based, media-centric individual who has been ensconced in this faith world for over forty years, I understand the Evangelical mind-set all too well that drove Davis to her decision.

Ms. Davis is the latest lightning rod in the increasingly divided cultural arena between people of faith and the rest of the world that does not share that faith. She felt that she could not grant a marriage license to a gay couple because, she says, she cannot acquiesce to a government decree that does not square with her Christian faith. The only problem is that she is the county clerk who provides that service.

I find it helpful to refer back to the Bible (from which most faith followers derive their marching orders) to read what Jesus and others did in cases of conscience and baby splitting when confronted with similar issues. In the Kim Davis situation, I think we have to look deeper into what Jesus taught…

(I agree with this author)

See remainder of this article at the CPost

7 comments on “Kim Davis Should Render to Caesar What Is Caesar’s

  1. “Our role is not to change culture but to pronounce the Gospel and let it change culture. When we try to change culture, it gets confrontational. When the Gospel changes culture, it’s transformational.”

    To that I say AMEN!

  2. This is a good article to save to one’s bookmarks. By the way, Kim Davis is a Oneness Pentecostal. I checked the website of her church. IOW, they deny the Trinity, and they have a strong Pelagian/Works Righteousness approach to salvation (you have to be baptized in the name of Jesus or else you’re damned; baptism in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is invalid). She couldn’t have put Jesus as the hill she dies on since she doesn’t believe in the biblical Jesus in the first place, but in a works-righteousness Jesus whom you must please through good works.

    But she can pass as Evangelical because the entire “movement” has fallen into what is essentially Catholic style moralism and theocracy-wishing. Just earlier today, I spoke with an insane person online (but the inmates are the majority these days) who insisted that Russia was “Christian” because they whip homosexuals in the streets and imprison them. You might think that’s extreme, he’s just a weirdo, but this guy was pretty normal when you look at a lot of “conservative” groups and websites these days. Theonomy, Dominionism and all other like movements are on the rise. If you think the government should imprison homosexuals, or that Christianity should be a state-system, you’re on the team! Doesn’t matter if you’re a Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Oneness Pentecostal, whatever. Have the right politics, you’re a “godly Christian”! Who cares about your doctrine? Most of these people are too superficial to even care. They ultimately do not believe in a Gospel that is about what Christ has done for us, but instead believe in a “Gospel” where man is the center and must strut and fret across the stage after our own salvation.

    • Doesn’t matter if you’re a Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Oneness Pentecostal, whatever. Have the right politics, you’re a “godly Christian”!

      You are right. One is judged (and accepted or not) by one’s politics.

      Yes i knew she was a oneness Evangelical/Pentecostal. Besides you Ricardo, i’ve seen very little being said about this which proves your point, highlighted above. Doctrine no longer matters only one’s politics matter.

  3. I agree with the article too.

    Standing up for truth in some circumstances asks much of us. If a Christian clerk doesn’t wish to issue gay marriage licenses, then she will make her point clearer if she quits her job. She would show that she chose God’s will over her needs, and if she had faith, she would believe He would provide her with another job, even a better job perhaps. If she were unemployed and had to suffer some financial loss because of it, it would still be nothing compared to the sacrifice of God’s Son on Calvary.

    In these evil times we live in, with Syrian refugees, thousands having to leave and find shelter or be able to walk the long miles, with babies and children, begging for border nations to let them in, the Kim Davis story just leaves a bitter taste. The woman lives with her husband, and three dogs. Could her husband not support the family?

    • Marie, i agree. Quitting would have made a better statement but im guessing she didn’t want to give up the 80 thousand “plus” she makes a year, in the position.

  4. Another point that I wonder about is – how legitimate are these marriage licenses in heaven. Have these Kentucky marriage licenses received God’s approval? Of course not; they’re from the jurisdiction of the State, and have been issued to twice or thrice-divorced couples, or couples who previously lived together, or couples who intend on marrying in a pagan ceremony, including those LG couples. Are these licenses pre-approved by scripture and issued to each person with a long list of requirements for the applicants? Would the applicant be rejected a license if they had sex with 5 other people before their committed partner/fiance, or would the applicant be rejected if their first spouse was expecting a child of theirs? These are all questions no one addressed in articles, nor addressed by Davis’ lawyers.

    Even if our laws condone divorce, or condone couples co-habitating before marriage, or some states allow polygamy, we can’t expect to believe these are ‘licenses blessed from the Father in Heaven” So this would tell me that Caesar’s (mammon) licenses don’t have any power in heaven, only power on earth; and that earthly marriage license is just paper, not a dedication/commitment/pledge/ to our Lord. It’s the commitment itself, in relationship to God, in the presence of witnesses, where they ask the Lord Jesus to bless and protect this marriage and where the couple pledge their fidelity and promise to be their helpmate until death. That prayer pledge is what binds the union together, not a paper sealed by a name of a clerk. Many Christians have their licenses signed by people who may not even be practicing Christians. What does Kim Davis think about that? It might be someone in her Office, a deputy-clerk, who lives in sin, yet who signs his name on that license.

    The whole facade of a any ‘license’ having spiritual jurisdiction is ludicrous. Any couple from any religion or belief system may marry with these licenses. Papers don’t hold any spiritual power.

    • Even if our laws condone divorce, or condone couples co-habitating before marriage, or some states allow polygamy, we can’t expect to believe these are ‘licenses blessed from the Father in Heaven” So this would tell me that Caesar’s (mammon) licenses don’t have any power in heaven, only power on earth; and that earthly marriage license is just paper, not a dedication/commitment/pledge/ to our Lord.

      Exactly! We are not of this world. This is why i’ve posted little (to nothing but this post) about “gay” marriage. The world condones many things that i don’t, but i also know ranting and raving about it does no good and brings to glory to the Lord. We are here to present the Gospel and live a life worthy of being called “Christian”. This is how true change comes about.

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