American Evangelicals

Why Evangelicals and Catholics Cannot be “Together”

This is a very good article which goes through point by point showing why Evangelicals must not be joined with Catholics.  Its been interesting (and surprising!) to watch what has occurred over the past 35 years. When first coming to Christ my Church preached that Catholics needed the Gospel; over the years evangelizing of Catholics […]


No surprise here. Politico reports today that Donald Trump is courting prosperity televangelists in an effort to “keep his momentum from ebbing.” The subtext of the Trump televangelist outreach is that despite the polls, the only kind of evangelicals who really like Trump are those who love mixing not just religion and politics, but religion […]

John Hagee: False Prophet (and the antidote)

Good message at American Vision John Hagee made predictions (oh yes he did!—see below). John Hagee set dates. John Hagee’s predictions and dates have failed. He is now to be regarded as a false prophet on the same order as Harold Camping. I have previously written about this here and here. I have demonstrated first […]

Scott Walker: Would bomb Iran on his first day as president

Interesting, frightening, article. Who are these US citizens who support this? There must be quite a number for this warmonger to be running third in the polls. Huffington Post: Netanyahu and His Marionettes Benjamin Netanyahu is laying siege to the Congress of the United States, not for the first time. He has thrown his voice and […]

New Poll: Almost half of all Americans would support Israel even if its interests diverge from those of The United States

This latest poll/article doesn’t surprise me in the least, for we see it within our own Congress and Senate. Plus I have never forgotten Evangelical author and teacher Kay Arthur’s statement from yrs back, in which she said her loyalty was and will always be with Israel over that of the United States.  Still yet, […]

Meet Bibi’s New Friends: The New Apostolic Reformation

Interesting… Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been one of the most beloved Israeli politicians in the history of Christian Zionism. It has been a religio-political match made in heaven, with Christian Right leaders providing Netanyahu with money in Israel and political clout in the U.S., and the Israeli leader putting up with an Evangelical end-times […]


Interesting article and turn of events. It appears an Israeli “think tank” (Molad) has been quietly investigating the influence American Christian Zionist groups have had (and continue to have) on Israeli politics and politicians, and has now published a full report. quote, To many Israelis, the world of Christian Zionism is largely hidden from public view. […]

Rooted and Grounded In Christ

Teaching Sound Doctrine & Glorifying Christ

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I Was a Teenage Dispensationalist

It's the end (of the end) of the world as we know it...