Bad Theology

Abrahams Blessing – The Dispensationalist Dilemma

Excellent bible teaching by Steve Lumbley at Apostasy Watch. The question before us is this: should one interpret the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament or should one interpret the New Testament by the Old Testament? Dispensationalism rests largely on the latter while I (and the authors of the New Testament) believe the […]

Has bad Theology duped us into supporting Terrorism and Oppression?

Not many days go by without seeing some sort of “Stand with Israel” image pop up into my Facebook news feed. And, each time it does, my heart grieves over the fact that so many of my fellow Christians have been taken in by this new and dangerous theology, and in so duped into supporting […]

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lift Off! Claims of Hurricane Sandy being God’s Judgment

(Another) thing that concerns me is the meaning of the name Sandy. First Sandy can be either masculine or feminine; this storm is the feminine form, for storm names now switch from male to female every storm. The storm before Sandy was Rafael, which is masculine, so Sandy being the next storm is feminine. Here […]

Focus on the Family Election Special Claims US Government is Modeled after Biblical Israel and the Garden of Eden

Good grief. Every time I read this tripe (Evans said that the US is modeled after biblical Israel and the Garden of Eden) it makes me want to throw my hands up in despair.  Focus on the Family president Jim Daly hosted conservative pastor Tony Evans to discuss the importance of voting yesterday, which Daly […]

Tim LaHaye: If America Doesn’t Bless Israel, ‘We’re Going to Incur the Curse of God’

RWW: End Times enthusiast Tim LaHaye has recorded a Christian voter mobilization video for his wife Beverly’s organization, Concerned Women for America, in which he declares the “liberal secularists” control the media, education, and the government and they “are not our friend; in fact I don’t think they’re friends of America” because they want to […]

Diminishing the Cross of Christ

According to dispensationalists, animal sacrifices will be reinstituted during a future millennium along with a new temple in Jerusalem. The resumption of animal sacrifices, according to John MacArthur, is the new, old way to memorialize Christ: “Israel rejected their Messiah, but when they have received Him and are in His kingdom, they will have a […]

Christians helping Jewish settlers cultivate Illegally occupied land

Interesting… quote, Psagot, West Bank — It is a typical, even stereotypical, West Bank settlement scene: bearded young men pruning vines while enthusing about the Chosen People’s God-given right to this region. But in this case it is Jesus, and not Jewish identity, that animates these tillers.  For years, Westerners have flocked to the Israeli-occupied […]

Disaster as Judgment for sin: Christian or Hindu belief?

Excellent article by JD Ellis, The is a growing trend in the church and especially on the Christian websites today for people to stand up and pronounce each new disaster that appears in the headlines as punishment for the sins of the people who live in that area. Self-styled prophets everywhere are popping up out […]

Think we can call this more then a ‘slight’ stretch?

I’d say so… A Prophetic Look at the Tucson Tragedy quote… Many ministers and intercessors throughout Arizona have expressed their grief and frustration regarding this unanticipated tragedy, in that it seemingly occurred without divine warning. Nevertheless, the setting and circumstances of this tragedy are covered with Satan’s fingerprints—revealing his diabolical intentions toward not only the […]

Christians Bolster Jews as Settlement Freeze Ends: Israel – An Evangelical Idol

In his latest post Rick Frueh reminds us of how many evangelicals have fallen into idolatry concerning Israel. This news story is a case in point: Hundreds of Christians from a dozen nations joined together with 3,000 Israelis on Sunday evening in the small Samarian Jewish community of Revava to mark the end of the […]

The end is not just nigh, it’s in May 2011

The news item below includes a name familiar to those who have read any articles/books concerning failed dates and date-setters…that of Harold Camping. quote… Marie Exley of Colorado Springs is convinced that Armageddon, the end of the world as written of in the Bible, will come next year. Her conviction is so strong that, though […]

John Hagee: “Iceland’s volcano eruption resulted from Britain’s advertising standards”

I see false teacher and dual covenant theologian John Hagee is back in the news. Television and radio evangelist Pastor John Hagee believes the recent eruption of the volcano in Iceland stems from Britain breaking God’s covenant. The day after Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority said the Western Wall in Jerusalem could not be used in […]

Bad Theology

What bible do these people read? Its not the one I read which says ‘ye must be born again’…and not a word about one ethnic group being “completed”. Contrary to what some mission leaders think, J.D. Greear does not accept the equal comparison between Jews who come to accept Jesus as their savior and Muslims […]

Strange, but I can’t locate that…

I recently did a study on the cloud that led Israel through the wilderness and settled over the Tent of Meeting (see Ex. 37). The cloud of glory appears as a visible evidence or sense of the Presence of God, His radiant and sometimes visible goodness. We feel it. Sometimes we see it. ….It’s the […]

Will Kenneth Copeland Listen Now?

Interesting article at Christian NewsWire. I’m not familiar with the author Rich Vermillion, or his ministry. NEWARK, TX, Jan. 21– The last decade has brought several notable rebukes to the controversial televangelist, Kenneth Copeland. The question remains, however, whether the latest confrontation will finally result in a permanent change in his behavior. Initially, none other […]

Waiting for Armageddon

Waiting for Armageddon America’s 50-million strong Evangelical community is convinced that the world’s future is foretold in Biblical prophecy – from the Rapture to the Battle of Armageddon. This astonishing documentary explores their world – in their homes, at conferences, and on a wide-ranging tour of Israel. By interweaving Christian, Zionist, Jewish and critical perspectives […]

New Year = New Rapture date from Harold Camping

Harold Camping lets out a hearty chuckle when he considers the people who believe the world will end in 2012. “That date has not one stitch of biblical authority,” Camping says from the Oakland office where he runs Family Radio, an evangelical station that reaches listeners around the world. “It’s like a fairy tale.” The […]

Misinterpreting Scripture (Genesis 12:3)

Every Christian would agree that the misinterpretation of scripture[s] is the source of most, if not all, false doctrines and teachings. That is not to imply that we have to have our ducks-in-a-row 100% concerning all scripture–for, as long as we’re here on earth, we’ll be constantly learning and receiving revelation concerning God’s Word. It’s […]

Gnostic Monica Dennington Refuted

Listening to Monica Dennington is frightening. She needs a lot of prayer. I still cannot grasp how she seemed to fall into this heresy so quickly. Though common sense tells me it wasn’t over-night, but this deception was taking place in her heart and mind, unseen, for awhile. There is a lesson here to be […]

Was Jesus wealthy?

In one sense this isn’t even worth posting. If you look at who’s photos grace the website of this pastor who claims Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were wealthy, its like the rogues-gallery of prosperity teachers. Nevertheless its interesting to read these people’s twisted ideas… From CNN Each Christmas, Christians tell stories about the poor baby […]

John MacArthur: Measuring Oral Roberts’ Influence

This is an informative message concerning the influence Oral Roberts had upon the Church. In Oral Roberts: An American Life, biographer David Edwin Harrell, Jr., describes how Roberts discovered the prosperity gospel and how it became the centerpiece of his message. One day he opened his Bible randomly and spotted 3 John 2: “Beloved, I […]

The Dangers of Cobelligerence

Cobelligerence: Co-belligerence, strictly speaking, is waging a war in cooperation with another against a common enemy without a formal alliance. The term co-belligerence indicates remoteness and differences between the co-belligerent parties although jointly pursuing a common objective. In Christianity, it refers to an alliance between denominations, which are normally opposed on doctrinal grounds, for a […]

2012, Prophetic Speculation, & Tim LaHaye

Article: Avoiding Doomsday Hype and Hysteria

Teacher Claims Fingerprinting Is ‘Mark of the Beast’

Sigh.. A 22-year veteran kindergarten teacher in the Texas Bible Belt could lose her job for refusing, on religious grounds, to give fingerprints under a state law requiring them. The evangelical Christian, Pam McLaurin, is fighting a looming suspension, claiming that fingerprinting amounts to the “Mark of the Beast,” and hence is a violation of […]

Voodoo Theology

When I was a young girl, I had an albino friend. Annie’s hair was as light and wispy as cotton candy. Her eyes as pink as Valentine Sweet-Tarts. At church, whenever we sang that song about Jesus washing me whiter than snow, I thought of her. Annie’s skin was as white as a fresh piece […]

Sign-Seekers and Crystal Balls

Some of these are bizarre. One even gave me a headache… Obama and the 1918 influenza connection My thought about the Three Eights Killer Swine Flu Vaccine And 666 Mark of The Beast All In One THE ‘YEAR 5777’ MAY BE THE YEAR OF ‘THREE COMPLETIONS ENOCH, HANUKKAH – AND THE FEAST OF THE OPEN […]

Rooted and Grounded In Christ

Teaching Sound Doctrine & Glorifying Christ

Lead me O Lord

I Was a Teenage Dispensationalist

It's the end (of the end) of the world as we know it...