
John Hagee: False Prophet (and the antidote)

Good message at American Vision John Hagee made predictions (oh yes he did!—see below). John Hagee set dates. John Hagee’s predictions and dates have failed. He is now to be regarded as a false prophet on the same order as Harold Camping. I have previously written about this here and here. I have demonstrated first […]

JPost: Carter’s Cancer caused by his treatment of Jews.

Hate stories like this because they’re not true. From an Israeli Newspaper (The Jerusalem Post) writing about Jimmy Carter’s cancer: For some Jews (and evangelical Christians), the cause apparently is obvious. No, it’s not his genetic makeup, or the spread of a mass from his liver to his brain. It’s divine punishment for his behavior […]

Rooted and Grounded In Christ

Teaching Sound Doctrine & Glorifying Christ


Lead me O Lord

I Was a Teenage Dispensationalist

It's the end (of the end) of the world as we know it...