Prayer Needed: American Missionary Phyllis Sortor Kidnapped in Nigeria

The Free Methodist Church in the U.S. is now calling for prayers after one of their working missionaries, the Rev. Phyllis Sortor, was abducted by masked and armed men in Nigeria Monday morning who’ve demanded a $300,000 ransom for her safe return. Her distraught family, however, say they cannot afford it.

“Early this morning we received a report that Rev. Phyllis Sortor, our missionary in Nigeria, was abducted from the Hope Academy compound in Emiworo, Kogi State, Nigeria, by several persons. The U.S. Embassy has been notified, and the State Department and the FBI are working with local authorities to find and rescue her. We are calling on the U.S. church to join together in prayer for Phyllis’ safety and speedy release,” the church noted in a statement posted on its website Monday.

The Christian Post reached out to Free Methodist World Missions for further comment on Tuesday but one was not available at the time of publication.

Sortor was reportedly taken by a gang of five armed men after they jumped the walls of the Hope Academy compound in Kogi state in Nigeria and fired shots at about 4:30 a.m. Sortor is the financial administrator for Hope Academy, according to the church’s website.

Kogi State Police Commissioner Adeyemi Ogunjemilusi told NBC News that he believes Sortor was targeted by her abductors because no one else was taken or injured and they are now demanding $300,000 to release her.

“We will do all within the available resources to ensure the safe rescue of the victim,” said Ogunjemilusi.

The missionary’s stepson, Richard Sortor, told Q13 Fox that her family in the U.S. haven’t been told much about what happened to her but they are clamoring for her speedy return.

“She was taken in front of her house by three guys with machine guns,” said Sortor, outside the Free Methodist Churchin Seattle, Washington, where parishioners prayed for the abducted missionary’s safe return Monday night.

We are just a working-class family, we don’t have money. That’s not a huge church, they don’t have money. Why they took her, who knows? The people that are doing this stuff, these guys have no backing — they’re just cowards,” he added.

More of this news release with photos at The Christian Post

14 comments on “Prayer Needed: American Missionary Phyllis Sortor Kidnapped in Nigeria

  1. Thanks for sharing. Praying for her safe return.

  2. Reblogged this on Fishing For Men.

  3. Having spent some time in that region of Nigeria it comes as a shock to me that this was done. That region is in the Christian South of Nigeria. This seems to be a money kidnapping not an Islamic kidnapping. Although if there isn’t a ransom paid or they find her first, the Boko Haram could paid for her and use her in their twisted perverted propaganda campaign to intimidate and humiliate the Christians of Nigeria and Christians from Western Countries who would or will go there for one reason or another.

    “Lord Jesus, as I have already prayed asking You to put it in the hearts of the Christians in that region to look for and find this lady, so I again ask You to intervene for the Elect’s sake, keep her safe and turn this event around for good and for Your Glory, amen.”

    • Michael i agree, it does seem to be about money.As someone commented at the CPost a lot of these people have the wrong idea of these churches and missionaries being “rich”.

  4. I pray so fervently for Phyllis that she will remain steadfast in this time of trouble. How very daunting for her to be kidnapped by 5 masked and armed men. “Lord please be her refuge and strength, and deliver her safely from her foe”.
    I commented on another thread recently (the beheading of 21 coptic Christians) that the time is near when it could easily be any of us. It is becoming increasingly apparent that we need to take hold of Eph. 6 : 10 – 18

    May Phyllis be girded up with the whole armour of her God right now.

  5. No word on Phyllis Sorter yet. Keeping her in my prayers.

  6. Just read Phyllis has been released. PRAISE BE TO GOD!

  7. According to CNN Phyllis is now released, praise God.

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