Tag Archive | Heretic John Hagee

John Hagee: False Prophet (and the antidote)

Good message at American Vision John Hagee made predictions (oh yes he did!—see below). John Hagee set dates. John Hagee’s predictions and dates have failed. He is now to be regarded as a false prophet on the same order as Harold Camping. I have previously written about this here and here. I have demonstrated first […]

National director of the Anti-Defamation League rebukes John Hagee

From Religion Dispatches At the Zionist Organization of America’s gala Sunday night, Republican megadonors Sheldon and Miriam Adelson bestowed an award on Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee. In his remarks, Hagee called President Barack Obama “the most anti-Semitic president ever.” Chemi Shalev reports more details: The other stars of the night were the […]

Rooted and Grounded In Christ

Teaching Sound Doctrine & Glorifying Christ


Lead me O Lord

I Was a Teenage Dispensationalist

It's the end (of the end) of the world as we know it...