Follow Up: Has evil become Christian Entertainment

Tim Challies has posted a follow-up commentary to last weeks post:  Evil as Entertainment (see, Has evil become Christian Entertainment?)

Fighting Fire with Fire

One analogy I opted not to use in Monday’s post was that of pornography. But let me haul it out now as I think it helps show what it is that I am reacting against. Imperfect, I’m sure, but worth thinking about. If a site wished to combat pornography, would the best way of doing so be to display lots of pictures of naked women with comments about how wrong they are to be doing what they are doing? Posted below the picture of a naked woman engaged in some lewd conduct are the words “This is what passes for sex in the church today. Lord save us!” If you were to visit this kind of a site day after day, do you think you’d continue visiting to help you be prepared to combat pornography (because by knowing what pornography looks like you could spot it in your own life)? Or do you think, just maybe, you’d find that you were visiting to see the naked women themselves? Isn’t it better to turn to Scripture to find what it says about sex and sexuality? Isn’t that the best way to learn about what is right? By studying evil you are learning about evil and are liable to be consumed by it. “Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature” (1 Corinthians 14:20).

Its an excellent follow-up.. you can read it all at the link above.

12 comments on “Follow Up: Has evil become Christian Entertainment

  1. I don’t think we need to “study” evil, but do need to recognize it and when it raises it’s ugly head, we need to tell the truth in love and expose it. Personally, when that happens, I will post concerning what appears to be evil/untruty/false gospel, and not name names. the approach is to know what is evil and be able to recognize it and shun it.

    I began to question/study “seeker friendly” churches because of romans 3:11, not because fo any personal bias or desire to tear down particular minsitries.

  2. Job at Jesus Christology posted an excellent article on this topic yesterday. He gives some very helpful guidelines to follow for those who write discernment blogs and for those of us who read them. http://healtheland.wordpress.com/ Article entitled: Regarding Tim Challies And Online Discernment Ministries

  3. I think this discussion about discernment blogs (as it has spread over the net in the past few days) is having a good effect. I read a wonderful article of apology today at http://defendingcontending.com/2009/04/17/forgiving-and-forgiveness-an-open-apology/. A brother there felt he needed to apologize to his readers because some of his comments about another Christian he disagrees with were not Christ honoring. It was a good article and worth checking out.

  4. Thanks for the link wearymom… 🙂

    You’re right, its a wonderful article! I hope others here will read it also…

  5. Joseph said:

    ” I will post concerning what appears to be evil/untruty/false gospel, and not name names. the approach is to know what is evil and be able to recognize it and shun it.”

    I think this is a much more effective approach than to attack specific people. The reason is twofold:

    (1) People lose sight of the real issue when their favorite leader/ministry/book/ website or whatever is personally brought into question, because it tends to wind up in everyone taking sides instead.

    (2) The better way, in my humble opinion, is to present the core issue as just that. That way it creates an ‘aha’ moment in people where they often can identify the difference between good and evil for themselves., and recognize who is doing what. That’s always the better way. My old editor used to say: “Always aim to inform not intimidate, because knowledge without wisdom is dangerous.’

    We see the trend today much more toward intimidation, in all aspects of the media. Unfortunately, I find many Christian blogs and ministries think it’s more convenient to bring a person’s character or a specific ministry into question, or to write in such a way that we demean them or make them look ridiculous, if they disagree with each other. All in order to ‘win’ an argument!

    But, in the end who really ‘wins’ an argument? Everyone gets hurt instead. Whereas, it takes a bit more time and thought to study up on both sides of an issue in the first place, and give the kinds of lucid posts and comments that really educate the reader in the way he/she needs to be.

    • mbaker commented:

      Joseph said:

      ” I will post concerning what appears to be evil/untruty/false gospel, and not name names. the approach is to know what is evil and be able to recognize it and shun it.”

      Although attributed to me this was Born4Battle’s opening comment. However, mbaker made some good comments that I too wish to address.

      (1) People lose sight of the real issue when their favorite leader/ministry/book/ website or whatever is personally brought into question, because it tends to wind up in everyone taking sides instead.

      Most of us will be unable to be truly objective regarding any deeply felt issue no matter what it is about. Convictions of a religious nature or a political view or a lifestyle concern may not be easily relegated to the polite/civil arena of interaction. We will get ‘fired-up’ at some point regarding what we consider unwavering conviction & those convictions will be defended when challenged by those that do not see it the same way. Yes, those convictions can be used against us when others demean our person because we do admit to those convictions. Labels, epithets, slurs, etc. can be hurled at us with no intent on discussing the topic/issue/opinion in a respectful way. Holding a firm opinion does automatically make one ‘opinionated’, but separating the two next to impossible for many people.

      We see the trend today much more toward intimidation, in all aspects of the media. Unfortunately, I find many Christian blogs and ministries think it’s more convenient to bring a person’s character or a specific ministry into question, or to write in such a way that we demean them or make them look ridiculous, if they disagree with each other. All in order to ‘win’ an argument!

      But, in the end who really ‘wins’ an argument? Everyone gets hurt instead. Whereas, it takes a bit more time and thought to study up on both sides of an issue in the first place, and give the kinds of lucid posts and comments that really educate the reader in the way he/she needs to be.

      Yes, speaking down others to or loud enough to drown out any disagreement or alternate viewpoint a problem we all need to be conscious of. Trying to be patient, kind & good to all men not something easily done when passions flare & our sense of righteous indignation rears its ugly head. Here is what I perceive regarding some of the more vocal Christian apologist sites:

      And the word of the LORD came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”

      Many of the ‘out-to-correct-all-perceived-error’ sites have this Elijah perception. They feel they alone are the last bastion of doctrinal purity. They have a martyr complex pitting themselves against the tide of false doctrine/teachings they wish to defend against. And they secretly covet Elijah’s ability to call down fire upon every perceived Baalite out there (Boanerges)! They may be cessationists, but secretly they desire God’s dramatic vindication of their theological stance. Based upon a Calvinist acceptance of absolute predestination, that cauldron intended to hold all heretics & false teachers & liberal-minded, emergent, charismatic, Pentecostal, Arminianists is quite large. The percentage of those going to hell a vast number compared to the elect. The ark they are on the only boat capable of weathering the storm of liberalism, postmodernism, relativism, emotionalism, weak hermeneutics, the challenge to inerrancy, the 5 Solas, etc. They can get blinded in their zeal & end up offending more than convincing anyone of the truth they espouse. No unbeliever is impressed & those Christians with alternate viewpoints unmoved by their appeals. Not sure that it accomplishes anything of eternal value, but it can make for some vivid fireworks on the internet to be sure… 🙂

  6. I’d also humbly suggest that imputing heart motivations to others is, as a rule, unhelpful and serves to demonstrate much more about the heart of the commentator than anything useful about the subjects of such commentary.


  7. Interesting.its September 2009. Just written up a blog on almost the same topic.

  8. Glad you stopped in Acidri…

    It gave me a chance to visit your blog and bookmark it!

  9. The world’s knowledge gives no wisdom that is compatible with God’s knowledge. Anything that resides outside of God’s path is being used for evil purposes. Many people to this day believe that the church is saving them. They are WRONG. No wisdom comes from the church. Take your Bible, read it at home. Find out just how false the church is. More importantly, find out just what God expects you to give up to serve Him. You cannot serve yourself, the world, or anyone or thing but GOD. You cannot carry worldly baggage on your back and serve Him. Let it all go. Else, you are the FOOL the Bible speaks of. Many have been deceived into believing that all you have to do is believe in Jesus and be saved. Jesus did not walk the walk of poverty just so you could simply “believe” your way to Heaven. He gave us the law. And He gave us the instruction. He was literal when He said to follow Him. Detach yourself from worldly music, movies, video games, fashion, and other norms and traditions. If not, then you will be just like the rich man Jesus told to sell all his things to be saved.

    We are living in a truly Godless age. The majority of today’s world are serving false gods. They are incapable of seeing the One True God because they are unwilling to sacrifice their worldly life. Cleanse your mind, heart, and your soul. The only way is to throw away ALL of your worldly junk and clean the slate. Nearly ALL things in society today are designed to be used in an evil way. What little God influenced morality that existed 50 years ago is no longer in sight. It has now been buried underneath all the sewage of society.

    If you truly believe that worldly versions of Christianity are authentic. Then you will be among the majority who seek the Kingdom and never make it. Revelation tells us this is true. Very few will enter Heaven. Serving God isn’t religion. It is the absence of all ungodly things from your life and the diligent striving towards a spiritual one that is compatible with God’s human creation. We were not put here to abuse our power of will to serve ourselves. Today’s world is proof that most are doing just that. Turn away and see God. Evil lives in the churches. But He cannot live in the Holy Bible. It is your ONLY way to find the Truth. Cut out the middle man if you are serious about your salvation.

    • You’re correct…the church cannot save, and there are many deceived people who believe regular church attendance will save them. I read a little book years ago, titled “Lost in the Pews”. It truly opened my eyes…

      Paul Washer’s wife, Charo Washer, gave an excellent testimony concerning this deception. Perhaps you might like to hear it…

      See: Lost in the Pews: Charo Washer’s Testimony

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