DeMint Uses Christian Reconstructionist Mailing List To Raise Money

I’ve missed a lot of news stories and interesting posts elsewhere the past few days due to circumstances which could not be avoided, so hope to post a few of the more interesting ones missed, today.

On a sidenote, if you didn’t catch the documentary aired last night at MSNBC, ‘The Rise Of The New Right’, consider giving it a ‘look-see’.

Moving on….

It sure appears dominionism/reconstruction-ism within our Churches and politics both, is here to stay. Its extremely difficult to separate the two (the Church and politics) once either has accepted the heretical doctrines found within the teachings…

Frankly, and this is my personal opinion, it is more deceptive (and dangerous) then any other false teaching we’ve seen take up residence within the body of Christ.

From Religion Dispatches:

American Vision is a Christian Reconstructionist organization that publishes books and newsletters, runs a discussion board, a web-based radio show, and annual conferences and engages in other activities to promote the dominionist views of its founder Gary DeMar, as well as those of one of its most well-known associates, Gary North, the son-in-law of Christian Reconstructionist founder R.J. Rushdoony, and a supporter of Ron Paul whose economic writings have also influenced Rand Paul.

The goal is to return America to its Biblical foundations “from Genesis to Revelation” (a postmillennial reading of Revelation, which holds that the Second Coming will occur after an era of Christian dominance). American Vision is a non-profit, tax exempt, educational organization. Like many of these groups, DeMar also has a companion organization that can raise money and promote candidates for elected office: Vision to America.

Yesterday, Vision to America sent a fundraising appeal in support of Nevada’s Republican nominee to the U.S. Senate, Sharron Angle, from South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint’s political action committee, the Senate Conservatives Fund.


2 comments on “DeMint Uses Christian Reconstructionist Mailing List To Raise Money

  1. Babylon the great in all it’s glory.

    The woman (harlot religious system) rides the beast (government political system), thinking she’s in control

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