Wake Up! to the Real Dangers Glenn Beck Represents to the Church….

After hearing this on the air today, I searched around this evening for a clip or at least a link to share with my readers. The only one I could locate is the clip linked to below at youtube, posted by ‘The Young Turks’. I’m pointing this out to make it clear I’m not promoting the Young Turks channel. But, I do want you to hear Beck in his own voice stating what he hopes (believes?) will occur during his speech this Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial;

“I’m writing bullet points of the speech and um, you want to talk about trust in the Lord, um, i know people are going to hammer me saying its no Martian Luther King speech…of course its not…. You think I’m Martian Luther King?……”

“Instead of going for a speech writer or writing something very eloquent I’m only writing a few bullet points; and I’m doing that so I don’t get in the way of, uh, the Spirit in case he wants to talk…..”

Its the first 90 second segment: Glenn Beck On God, Blood & Goldline

What spirit voice do you think he’s expecting to speak through him, and what spirit do you believe really would be speaking ‘through’ him? If you don’t know (or God forbid, believe it would be the Holy Spirit) I’d like to point you to the post Ken Silva has up, particularly the links Ken included concerning the beliefs of those who practice Mormonism.

A sidenote; In case you think I’m making too big a deal about the dangers Glenn Beck presents to the Church in America, let me tell you, in recent days (this week in fact) disputes and heated arguments have broken out on at least two respected Christian forums causing a lot of confusion, concerning Beck and his ‘prophetic’ voice. God is not the author of confusion folks…we know that. Who is?

When looking for the clip I happened upon another one which shows the influence Beck already has in some Church circles;

Dr Carolyn Ann Smith, Dr CAS, with Word of Outreach Christian Center in Little Rock, AR asks the saints for pray for her husband and others who will be attending the events this weekend in Washington DC. Glenn Beck has called a special rally for Saturday in front of the Lincoln Memorial…. Let’s pray for Glenn’s event and that he will continue to be used mightily as a prophetic voice.

Pray for Glenn Beck and his Prophetic Voice

19 comments on “Wake Up! to the Real Dangers Glenn Beck Represents to the Church….

  1. You’re not, of course, making too much of this, PJ. Here is John Hagee encouraging his followers to go to DC. He will be there on the platform, though JH is not scheduled to say a single word. Hagee thinks it’s that important, so why shouldn’t we?:)


    John Hagee Ministries
    Weekly Update
    August 24, 2010

    Greetings to all of our Salt Covenant Partners across the nation and around the world.


    I want to invite all of our friends and partners to join us Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. This event will be open to the nation!

    Because the crowd is supposed to be in the hundreds of thousands, I recommend that those of you within driving distance go to the D.C. area Friday night. It will give you time to either walk to the event or take public transportation because the traffic jam near the Lincoln Memorial will be fierce.

    The purpose of the 8/28 Restoring Honor event is to bring back the principles of righteousness and integrity to America. I will be on the platform for this event. I am not a speaker on Saturday. That is reserved for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

    However, Friday night at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts – The Concert Hall, there will be a national prayer meeting.

    I will be giving the Benediction for the Divine Destiny Event which is a national prayer meeting attended by America’s leading pastors

    and Glenn Beck. You can get more information by watching Glenn Beck on FOX News each afternoon at 5:00 pm EST. The purpose of this prayer meeting is to confess our absolute allegiance and loyalty to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and ask His blessings on our country. America needs God far more than God needs America.

    You can join us at this prayer meeting as long as space permits. You can RSVP by emailing 828@wallbuilders.com; please include your name, church/ministry name, position in the church/ministry, address, phone number (cell preferably, so we can reach you in DC if there are any last minute changes!), and email address. We will then email you with your confirmation and information on how to pick up your tickets at will-call.

    Saturday morning, Diana and I will be having breakfast with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

    Blessings to you and to those you love as we meet in Washington D.C. this week and confess our dependence upon the living God. Chat with you next week in the John Hagee Ministries Update.

    Pastor John Hagee

  2. […] posts you need to read, first by PJ and then by Ken… I love the fact that he is being completely apocalyptic, throwing in blood […]

  3. Why am i not surprised that Hagee is involved….sigh….

    It will be interesting to see what other “American leading pastors” participate,

    I will be giving the Benediction for the Divine Destiny Event which is a national prayer meeting attended by America’s leading pastors and Glenn Beck.

    The Church needs to take note of them and ‘mark’ them well….for they too are following another spirit.

    From Beck’s radio program today,

    “you are going to see the spirit of God unleashed”

    • Good grief! I hope his god is not unleashed. I doubt if he will be. The God of all creation is in control.

  4. The seeds of thinking conservative politics is synonymous with true Christianity is coming to fruition. It can only produce this kind of outcome. They want to bring back the principle of righteousness and integrity back to America. Wouldn’t it be nice for someone to help me out and point to this glorious time in the past that honor, righteousness and integrity was just oozing and flowing in America. If only our starting point is Romans 3:23 – we will dispense with this restoring honor business at least among professing Christians.

  5. One could entertain the thought of calling Hagee to repentance, and charge him to obey the commandment to “Have nothing to do with them.” ‘Them” , being those who twist the Word of God….however, he be lovin’ himself some TBN…sort of too late.

  6. I was listening to him today as well…just for a short while in the car. I know I’ve said it before but I have to keep pinching myself.

    Even if I agreed with his politics…I wouldn’t listen to him. He strikes me as someone who is probably a danger to himself and most definitely a danger to others!

    John A.

  7. Jan … that was a very interesting video. Who was the speaker? Words of truth were spoken … words that are seldom heard.

    PJ … Thanks for the information on Beck etc. It needs to be brought to the forefront. So many believers have become ensnared.

    • Hi, it’s Tim Conway from Grace Community Church
      I didn’t know anything about him, I picked up the video from somewhere and popped into my favourites – it came to mind when Yemi was talking about the idea that some have that we can go back to some “glorious past”. I liked it when he said “you cannot legislate salvation”. That is so true.

  8. I believe God is using Glenn Beck. He is showing the rest of us the importance of discernment, without which the anti-Christ will have all the groundwork laid for him by a cultist. We are to be like sheep, but this is ridiculous!!

  9. PJ, if anyone is interested in watching the “Glenn Beck” event tomorrow, it will “be streamed live for free” on Facebook.



  10. The more I look into this the more I see a parallel pattern emerging as in the days of the Apostle Paul?

    It is not the same thing in one sense, but, on another level, everything that does not line up with these verses avoid the fruit of a Cross Life:

    Gal 6:12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
    Gal 6:13 For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.
    Gal 6:14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
    Gal 6:15 For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
    Gal 6:16 And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.

  11. Hi PJ,

    Thank you for the link. I felt led to do this before I saw your post here. Seems the Lord has a theme. 🙂

    THE “JESUS” OF GLENN BECK: http://apprising.org/2010/08/27/the-jesus-of-glenn-beck/

    • Hi Ken!

      The links you provided within your message are also a great resource. I hope others will check them out.

      Seems the Lord has a theme

      Ahaha… amen.

  12. it’s Tim Conway from Grace Community Church

    I like him Jan. Thanks for posting the video. 🙂

  13. […] false prophet, but I think there is more involved than just religion. Glenn Beck is a spokesman for Goldline, and he even suggests that the solution to the nation’s financial problems is to call […]

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