John MacArthur accused of heresy at his home church

Without knowing all the details, such as who this prophet is, I can’t say much more then, if this be a true word from God to MacArthur, he better take heed. There have been many things John denies as biblical, in which I disagree with him. I have posted about this previously. The only other thing I can add is I have felt John MacArthur has been treading on the dangerous ground called ‘pride’ for some time.

From Evangelical Focus:

One of America’s leading Evangelical preachers –Dr. John MacArthur- has been accused of heresy by a self-proclaimed prophet in Grace Community Church. The confrontation took place during this week’s Sunday service whilst the pastor ministered from the pulpit of his home church in Sun Valley (California), a place where he has served for over 45 years.

The prophet, speaking with a Scottish accent, managed to get up to the church’s platform and before being escorted away by the security team, he accused MacArthur saying: “You have grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error. He has been grieved, John MacArthur. I’ve been sent here to tell you that. You’re sharpening a sword and they’re cutting each other”. He continued: “If you don’t believe in prophets; you’re looking at one. God have mercy on your teaching of truth. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error, John MacArthur. It’s an error. I’ve been sent to tell you it’s an error. For the unbeliever: repent of your sins! The Kingdom of heaven is close! You don’t have much time! Jesus Christ is coming back soon! God bless you, people of God”.

After some moments of silence, MacArthur began to take control of the meeting again and responded to the prophet (now escorted out of the meeting) with the command from 1 Corinthians that the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets. He added: “If he were a prophet, he would not act like that”. He then resumed the service. The doctrine of cessationism is the idea that the more spectacular spiritual gifts –such as speaking in tongues, prophesying and healing- ceased after the closing of the New Testament canon or the death of the early apostles. MacArthur dedicated his famous Strange Fire conference in 2013 to the defense of a classical cessationist interpretation of Scripture.

11 comments on “John MacArthur accused of heresy at his home church

  1. While I do not agree with the approach the man took to call out the discrepancies of MacArthur’s doctrines, I do not believe he is a prophet. If he was he would have allowed the peace of God to rule:

    Tit 3:1 Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work,
    Tit 3:2 to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.
    Tit 3:3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.
    Tit 3:4 But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared,
    Tit 3:5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
    Tit 3:6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
    Tit 3:7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    And as for the end is close, I heard nothing about the following words from Ephesians in his word to John MacArthur:::>

    Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,
    Eph 1:8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight
    Eph 1:9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ
    Eph 1:10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

    That being said, what he did do was shine a dramatic light on John MacArthur’s ministry and oh how embarrassing it must have been to have his sermon interrupted that way?

    That leads me to side with you PJ on what you said, //There have been many things John denies as biblical, in which I disagree with him. I have posted about this previously. The only other thing I can add is I have felt John MacArthur has been treading on the dangerous ground called ‘pride’ for some time.//

    I too agree with you. I disagree with him. I don’t see his doctrines as he articulates and teaches them in the Bible. And I too have always had a sense about him that there is a pride that has subtly covered over his sense of his depravity. I haven’t ever seen a sense of humble shame for his own sinful nature. And that troubles me.

    • I haven’t ever seen a sense of humble shame for his own sinful nature. And that troubles me.

      Amen, it troubles me too Michael. John possesses an outward attitude of one who knows the answers to all questions without the possibility of “ever” being wrong. That’s pride.

  2. Glad to know what a classical Cessationist’s interpretation of Scripture is. Because what this article says (The doctrine of cessationism is the idea that the more spectacular spiritual gifts –such as speaking in tongues, prophesying and healing- ceased after the closing of the New Testament canon or the death of the early apostles) makes me low in heart.

    They don’t seem to want anything to do with the Spirit of the Lord.

  3. I’m not sure this unknown man should have approached John Mc. in this public way. In my view both men are wrong. John is wrong to deny that the gifts of The Precious Holy Spirit work today. If he IS right then I must be a fraud as God in His power and glory has used me to impart His gifts more than once (I certainly cannot boast of having any power of my own). But the man should surely have gone to John privately…..I would really appreciate your thoughts please ANYONE!

    • I really don’t know the entire story Sylvia. If the man tried to see him privately (first) or not. I can see Paul doing the same thing though, aha!

  4. I read the words the man spoke to MacArthur and the ones that struck me were “you are sharpening the sword and they are cutting each other”. I have read others talking about John causing division and these were fellow Calvinists! A few even mentioned the sword analogy!
    He has recently stated that a true believer has to believe his Dispensational Premillnial few of the end times or they were in error! Several of his fellow brothers have confronted him about those kind of statements but MacArthur is unmoved by them from their accounts.
    I remember when I worked in Christian radio in the 80’s we ran his program Grace To You he always seemed so sure of himself and some of his sermons came across that way. Looking back now that the pride has always been there and has increased. I watched some of the Strange Fire conference on Youtube and was saddened by how all who believe in the gifts of the spirit are now the enemy and I believe he believes we are not saved at all. He may not say that straight out but the implication is there.
    Yes he has taught some good things over the years, but there is way too much poison in his words anymore to recommend anyone listen to him.
    Sadly MacArthur is headed for a unpleasant judgment which I grieve for him on. And I pray he repents before he steps over the line of no turning back.

    • I agree Gary. And like you i pray he humbles himself, before God takes it into his own hands to humble him publicly.

  5. I’m not a cessationist, premillenial, a dispensationalist, nor a baptist (let alone an American Empire cheerleader), so I’m not terribly keen at John MacArthur arrogantly waving the ‘heretic’ label at people like me when he has a feeble grasp of church history (i.e. I recall him giving a list of important church leaders: Augustine, Athanasius, Calvin; I thought to myself, none of them would be apart of MacArthur’s brand and they’d (at least the first two) denounce him as a schismatic).

    But that’s all besides the point. I want to raise the question of prophetic vocation. People posting, and MacArthur himself, seem to think there was some violation of decorum. God has been, is, and always be a God of Peace. But Peace is true, and not a false peace. Sometimes nerves need to be shaken to get a point across. All of the Biblical prophets would’ve been considered rude.

    I’m not saying even this man is right, or even if he’s a prophet. But his attitude is certainly not what would disqualify him. I mean, would MacArthur have let some strange man onto stage if he politely asked? And what’s with the security apparatus?

    Not only is MacArthur consistently arrogant, but he’s disturbingly arrayed in an armor of cultural suppositions. The Passion of Christ is certainly something worthy to imitate for them (except in vague metaphorical transpositions).

  6. I’m thinking that if someone is preaching fallacies, false doctrine to the congregation, I would pray to God for guidance? Perhaps that was what that (prophet) did? At some point, if Mr. MacArthur is preaching lies, then he must be confronted? All glory and praise to God our Father and Jesus Christ our LORD and Saviour!

  7. John MacArthur on taking the Mark of the beast and still be saved:

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