Maitreya Emerging, ‘shortly’ after Christmas

The world is ripe for Deception and a Grand Delusion. Whether this is ‘it’ or not remains to be seen: if not there will be one of like-manner emerging soon.

Constance Cumbey (My perspective — What Constance thinks) had a few things to say concerning this latest press release from Share International, which was published by the Wall Street Journal under the title, Share International Reveals Christmas Miracle.



The financial collapse seems tailor made for desperate people to fall for these anti-Christ lies. That the Wall Street Journal would lend credence by labeling it a “Christmas Miracle” is astounding. Here is the text of the Share International Press Release:

LOS ANGELES, Dec 12, 2008 — For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles and concluded: “People are hungry for signs.”

Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world — night and day.

Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple fact. Around a week later, Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence and — though not yet using the name Maitreya — will be interviewed on a major US television program.

In 1988, CNN and other media reported on Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday, June 11. A week before the event, a remarkable sign occurred: “On Saturday 4 June a big, bright star was sighted, unusually brighter than ordinary stars,” reported Kenya Times editor Job Mutungi.

For over 30 years, artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of Maitreya and his group, the Masters of Wisdom. In May 1982, Creme revealed at a packed press conference in Los Angeles that Maitreya had been living in the Asian community of London since July 19, 1977.

Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.

As a modern man concerned with today’s problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of his extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the reunification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people’s voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global cooperation.

With Maitreya and his group working openly in the world, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.


  • Constance gives this personal insight concerning Benjamin Creme:

Folks, this might be their move — the one that was frustrated in 1982 –

Stay strong, stay in the Lord, and stay skeptical about Creme’s / Betraya-Maitreya’s (whoever he turns out to be and you know my suspicions) probable “solution” to our economic problems. Could this be ‘the hour of temptation to come upon all that dwell on the face of the Earth?”

For the record:  There is no Christ but Jesus.  Once again, the pushers of the antichrist are out and about, as when they ran those full page ads in 1982 proclaiming “The Christ is now here.” The newspaper ad campaign in 1982 cost upwards of $500,000.00.  Nobody spends that type of money without very serious intent:  but “Christ” and/or “Messiah”, it clearly is not.  Be very careful with this bunch.

I personally witnessed a large Detroit audience of hundreds of relatively sophisticated and even wealthy people go under Benjamin Creme’s spell when he was promoting this same “Christ” in 1981.  Only upon witnessing that did I have any notion as to how Hitler had pulled off his bewitching of the German public:  mass hypnosis

  • A few things of further interest on the subject of New Age religions[s], Maitreya, Creme, etc..

From, The New Age Religion: brought to us by the Ascended Masters

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) – Contacted by the Master Morya in 1851. After years of contact with her spirit masters she helped to found the Theosophical Society in 1875. Published Isis Unveiled in 1877, established Lucifer, an occult magazine, in London in 1887, and then published The Secret Doctrine in 1888.


Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) – Contacted by the Master Koot Humi in 1895. In 1917 she became acquainted with students of Blavatsky and then joined the Theosophical Society. In 1919 the Master Djwhal Khul contacted her and asked for her assistance in taking some dictation. At first she refused out of fear, but then later accepted upon instruction from the Master Koot Humi. The Master Djwhal Khul then wrote eighteen books through Bailey over the next thirty years. She founded the hugely influential Lucis Trust in 1922.


Benjamin Creme (born in 1922) – From a young age he was a student of the works of Blavatsky and Bailey, (and other occultists). First contacted by The Master (full name undisclosed) in 1959. The Master informed him that he would play a major role in the reappearance of Maitreya the Christ. Formed Share International Foundation in 1975. Since then he has been travelling the globe, speaking and lecturing in preparation for The Christ, and he claims to be in direct telepathic contact with both The Master and Maitreya.


Maitreya the World Teacher (a.k.a. The Christ) – As he allegedly appeared in Kenya in 1988. Creme claims that Maitreya created and inhabited a human body in 1977, and privately entered society taking up residence in London. Since then he is alleged to have privately appeared to thousands of individuals, performing miracles and wonders and convincing many of the truth of his mission. (Wayne S. Peterson is one influential casualty, as is Mikhail Gorbachev)

Benjamin Creme’s theology is directly founded on the teachings that were published by Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB) and Alice A. Bailey (AAB) as dictated to them from various Ascended Masters.

Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey were two of the most well known organizers of this movement in the early part of this century;  Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society and Bailey, later a president of the TS, founded the organization known as the Lucis Trust, which has counted as members men of great influence such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volker and George Schultz (1). Blavatsky and Bailey were avid trance-channelers who claimed to receive messages from spirit entities (2) and both recorded many predictions that were made to them regarding the inevitable appearance of “The Lord Maitreya” or “The Christ” on the earth immediately prior to earth’s initiation into the utopian “New Age.”(3)

Because these women engaged in the biblically-forbidden practice of spiritism and because the messages they received were deeply anti-Christian, mocking and ridiculing traditional Christianity, bible-believing Christians have understood that the appearance of the man whom Bailey and Blavatsky predicted was not a reference to the second coming of Jesus Christ, but was in fact a prediction of the future Antichrist.

A man by the name of Benjamin Creme, a self-described disciple of both Blavatsky and Bailey, appears to have taken over where they left off. Through his early studies of their works he became convinced in the reality of the “Ascended Masters,” (the supposed inter-dimensional beings who direct humanity’s evolution), and claims that in 1959 he was first contacted by them. According to Creme’s biography “He was told, among other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacher — the Master of all the Masters — would return in about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.”

Creme claims that he has been in constant telepathic contact with “Maitreya the Christ” since the early ’70s and that Maitreya finally entered civilized society privately in 1977 when he materialized in human form and took up residence in a suburb of London.(4) Since then Creme has traveled the world, giving lectures and appearing on talk shows, to prepare the world for the public emergence of Maitreya.(5) He also claims that a major American television network has agreed to interview Maitreya at a time of Maitreya’s choosing.(6)

One major aspect of Creme’s mission was the formation of Share International Foundation and the publication of it’s monthly self-titled magazine. Each issue contains a brief synopsis of the emergence of Maitreya on the first two pages and then a brief message that has been trance-channeled through Benjamin Creme from an Ascended Master known simply as “The Master” on page three. The spiritual thrust of SI is clearly obvious in each issue that is published.

Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine. They include articles written by former UN leader Boutros Boutros-Ghali; present leader Kofi Annan; former President of Ireland Mary Robinson; Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization and former Prime Minister of Norway; the Dalai Lama; and recently even Britain’s Crown Prince Charles.(7) Even though the average man on the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite.

In fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations,(8) and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by SI “…in association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations.”

Creme and Share International are both intimately connected with a number of New Age groups including the Freemasons (Creme often lectures in Masonic halls), the Tara Canter of Hollywood, CA, the Theosophical Society, the Lucis Trust (which maintains the official UN “meditation room”), and World Goodwill, an organization created by the Lucis Trust and also recognized by the UN as an official NGO. World Goodwill also actively promotes the appearance of “Maitreya the World Teacher” in their literature and on their website. (9)

  • A few of ‘Maitreya’s predictions:

“This ‘end of an age’ inevitably produces a certain number of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, and we are seeing a dramatic climax in the number of disasters taking place around the world… Maitreya says: ‘The last time I came, as Jesus, it was written in the Bible that when I appeared again the very elements of nature would be disturbed.’ ” “…After the disasters have peaked there will come a period of calm -the violence and destruction will come to an end. As people gain awareness, their guilt will recede…” (Maitreya’s Mission, Volume Two, Benjamin Creme, Share International Foundation, 1993, pp186-187)

Maitreya (through Creme) predicts the collapse of the current financial system. “When the US’s “oasis of prosperity” begins to dry up, as it must in the current global financial crisis, stock markets in the West will plunge. This collapse will provide an opportunity for governments to re-evaluate their economic priorities, says futurist Benjamin Creme. The nations of the world will meet together to discuss how to cope with the future in an orderly fashion.” ( from the Share International website at Maitreya’s priorities)

New World Religion to be established:

1. Frequently asked questions
… and in celebration of this event, Pentecost will become one of the major festivals of the new world religion which the Christ will eventually inaugurate. Our response to his call will …

2. The new civilization, by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme; Share International Archives
… the new science will demonstrate man’s divinity and will lead to the establishment of the New World Religion. The ancient schism between religion and science will be healed and a new impulse …

3. Churches, theology and dogma, by Aart Jurriaanse; Share International Archives
… as members of the Church Universal, and they are building the spiritual nucleus of the coming New World Religion, which will finally encompass the peoples of the whole world into a single …

4. Avatars down the ages by Felicity Elliot, Share International Archives
… A comparison of all religions shows their common elements. “Eventually a new world religion will be inaugurated which will be a fusion and synthesis of the approaches of East and West. The …

5. Bible-believers will reject MaitreyaMaitreya’s emergence – FAQ–  “There are many fundamentalists – Christian and others – who see my information as a travesty of the truth, and who will reject Maitreya in the first place, but not for ever. It may be that Christians will accept the Master Jesus before they accept Maitreya, but it could well be that they will not even accept the Master Jesus. The name is right, but He does not have holes in His hands and feet any more.”

“For a time, it may well be that very orthodox Christians – in particular Fundamentalists – will reject both Maitreya and the Master Jesus, now in Rome. He has not come ‘on a cloud at the end of the world’ as they expect, nor does He have holes in His hands and feet. But gradually, many Christians will find it easier to accept the Master Jesus as the returned Christ rather than Maitreya, and the Master Jesus is in charge of the Christian Church worldwide. Eventually, however, I believe that most people, Christian and otherwise, will accept that Maitreya is indeed the Christ, Messiah, Krishna – World Teacher for all.”

6. The warning from “The Master” (full text here: The reception of Maitreya “Maitreya knows that when He steps forward into the world arena a mixed reception will be forthcoming from humanity. There are many who look forward to that moment with joyful expectation, who will see it as the beginning of the New Time which awaits the sons of men. There are others, however, understanding little of the meaning and process of His advent, who will look askance and doubt His credentials, fearfully aware of scriptural warnings which they all too readily misinterpret. Others, too, will simply watch from the sidelines, awaiting a lead from those they hold in some esteem. Thus will humanity range themselves on one side or the other: those who welcome the Teacher with open arms, eager to follow His precepts and advice; and those who see Him as the embodiment of evil and all that they distrust. Thus will the Sword of Cleavage do its work, revealing those who stand for freedom and justice, for practical goodwill and love; revealing also those whose suspicion and fear, prejudice and hate prevent their recognition of the truth of Maitreya’s message of compassion and love. Thus will it be, and thus will men be tested as guardians of their future.”


Maitreya is a name that comes from Buddhism, and it is a Buddhist prophecy that a figure by this name would appear on earth as the next Buddha. The prophecies of Maitreya first appeared in the third century AD in India and they actually predicted that he would appear as a bodhisattva in 30,000 years or so when Buddhism was in a terrible state of decline. Of course it has not been 30,000 years since the prophecies were given and Buddhism is hardly in a state of decline, yet Creme is able to dance around these problems and continues to promote Maitreya as the genuine fulfillment of the Buddhist prophecies.

This enigmatic spirit being which Benjamin Creme claims to be in constant contact with, claims to not only be the fulfillment of Buddhist prophecy, but also of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Christian prophecy.

Because Maitreya is a uniquely Buddhist name, and in an effort to appear unbiased towards any specific religious tradition, Creme has claimed that when his mentor does appear on the public scene as the World Teacher he will be known by a totally different and unique name that is not associated with any one religion. See here

Lastly, from Share International:

Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.

Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.

They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense.

He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education.

His open mission in the world is about to begin. As Maitreya himself has said: ‘Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words.’

There’s a worldwide spiritual revival, and it’s one of the great stories of our time.”

Reports of miracles involving people from all faiths (and those of none) are increasingly reaching the media. According to Benjamin Creme, editor of Share International magazine, they are all signs of the imminent emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of Wisdom.

Benjamin Creme writes:

“Over many years Maitreya and his group of Masters have saturated the world with miracles. In the 10th message from Maitreya given in 1977 at one of my public meetings in London, he said: ‘Those who search for signs will find them, but my method of manifestation is more simple.’ All religious groups look for signs. It is through the signs that they know the teacher is in the world or is coming into the world. You only have to keep awake and you will see that signs are everywhere. In every country in the world, in every religious setting, there are signs of one kind or another.”


In 1988 glowing crosses of light suddenly appeared in windows of homes in the Los Angeles suburb of El Monte, California, USA. The phenomenon spread to nine other US states and many other countries including Australia, New Zealand, India, the Philippines, the UK and Germany. Miraculous healings — many reported by the media — have been attributed to these crosses of light with people speaking of a peaceful, healing energy emanating from them. Communities have reported transforming effects (reduced crime, drug-taking, stress) after crosses of light have appeared locally. Many who have seen them claim they are signs that foretell the coming of a great spiritual teacher. more here

Visions & appearances
In many different ways, Maitreya makes known he is here. Over the years, he has appeared to countless people, sometimes in their dreams, sometimes in visions, sometimes in a physical body.  Maitreya is not the only Master to ‘perform’ such miracles. Jesus, and especially the Master who at the time was the Madonna, are also very active in this regard. Often, but not always, Maitreya is dressed in white. He always looks different, depending on the circumstances and the person he appears to. Descriptions, and reactions, therefore vary. more here

Other phenomena
In increasing numbers, reports of miracles involving people from all faiths (and those of none) are reaching the media. These include religious statues and icons weeping tears, real blood and even pearls; the extraordinary Hindu ‘milk-drinking’ statues in 1995; appearances or sightings of the Madonna; holy messages in fruit and vegetables; sweet-scented healing oil weeping from icons and paintings; spectacular coloured lights in the sky; the gigantic Marree man drawing in the Australian desert; and numerous reports of rescues and encounters with ‘angels’. more here


Does it strike you that these false (in that they are not from God) signs and wonders sound eerily similar to those claimed by the likes of Bob Jones, Bentley, Patrica King, and all their associates?

For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ, ‘ and will deceive many. … and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.. Matthew 24:5, 11

Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. Revelation 13:11-14

42 comments on “Maitreya Emerging, ‘shortly’ after Christmas

  1. PJ,
    ..was it not in ’81, that according to the vatican,
    “everything was in place “- and for the first time in american history, the elected president – Reagan , than – vowed in front of the Obelisk..?

    Something must have blocked their plan.

  2. “Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global cooperation.”

    sounds very similar to what Rick Warren, UN, EU has been promoting, but Jesus’s commission to us is this:

    Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

    the church mission is to preach and teach the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father.

  3. Matthew 24:23-28

    On one hand this is ridiculous but on the other, when you read the statement to ‘mislead, if possible, even the elect.’ This indicates that the deception will be fairly plausible. However, this just seem ridiculous.

    People have no fear of God

  4. Look no further for Maitreya. This is Mike Tyson, for sure. Check out the map he had tattoed on His face if you want proof.

  5. Just another cult leader spouting off Bull. Creme will garner big media attention because no one has ever seen Maitreya. He’ll get hyped and he’ll claim respondsibility for all good world events and miracles…nothing really new. Jim Jones got a great deal of media attention before the mass suicide/murder. It’s really nothing new and I when I read this I see the impotentence of this cult. They’ll have adherants, but as far as a global conversion to him…doubtful. I just see this guy as another nuisance. I doubt he’ll be much more than a blister to the Church….IF he even exists. Im not buying it.

  6. Benjamin Creme has pulled this stunt before–announcing the debutante of Maitreya into the world society.

    There is plenty of info available on these wigglers. Here are two articles that may be of interest:


    Whatever Maitreya is, he is a Betraya! Jesus warned about him and wigglers like him in Matthew chapter 24.

    God bless,
    Bud Press

  7. Thanks for the links Bud! Good articles…

    Im not buying it

    Emi, i don’t think its a point of buying into this particular announcement [which may be nothing] but of taking from it, and from all the quotes supposedly attributed to this ‘maitreya’ down through the years, and understanding this is coming from the antichrist spirit…

    And how this spirit will deceive the majority of mankind one day–and that includes many within the church.

    It may not ultimately appear on the world scene through this organization (Share International), but we can get some understanding by discerning the comments made by this spirit, of how it will operate.

    ..was it not in ‘81, that according to the vatican,
    “everything was in place “- and for the first time in american history, the elected president – Reagan , than – vowed in front of the Obelisk..?

    Something must have blocked their plan.


    I’m not sure…but read the articles Bud linked to.

    For years i poo-poohed this maitrrya off…not giving any heed to what i believed was ‘silly’ etc… But i also did the same thing with the false prophets/apostles at Elijah List. Since having my eyes opened to the false apostle/prophet movement this past year, i don’t discount anything any more as silly… 🙂 I learned a hard lesson.

  8. I suppose their are some people who take this messiah seriously…after all …..Louis Farrakhan and his crew of thugs received their leader Muhammad ???….[Malcolm X’es prophet..] in a similar way. However, Americans over all are much too cynical. The Maitreya is a bit too obvious of a deceiver as I see it, at least to be proclaiming himself as God.

    I remember Todd Bentley being shredded by Geraldo and Nightline. They smirked at him, as they fried him. It was brutal….and he had some Christian vernacular going for him. Now , I suppose that if he, or his compadre began to call fire down from Heaven that was real….and begin to manifest talking statues…..

    I see Anti-Christ as a political leader, and he will DO, not promote himself…..and probably Muslim….and real signs and wonders and real power shall flow from Him and his prophet. He will be a beast in the mercy realm…being absolutely ruthless to those who will not bow to Allah. We are seeing his foundation layed as we speak, and I do believe he is alive today. This one will cause all to receive a mark displaying their allegiance, and to buy or sell. This will be reinforced militarily, and he is in effect the ultimate terrorist. You will watch your babies starve, or bow your knee and get the seal of righteousness…the mark of the beast.

    The Church will know who and what as the days roll on. The strategy of Satan is to barrage the Church with those deceived, like Bentley, the NAR, and the watered down doctrines that imply God exists to make you happy, helpless and prosperous…..[I think of Joel Olsteen..]

    Oprah recently had a mass conversion episode with some medium who chanted something into this mass consciousness..[see Utube..]..To me, it was goofy, and laughable, as is the threat of Maitreya infiltrating the true church. However, to those on the fence, or wavering, it could be a seducing factor. If this guy..[.I presume..] preaches a quasi-gospel….like Joe Smith of the Mormons,. which hold millions captive today,..or Olsteen, well, he could take a lot of people to Hell with him.

    As far as the anti-Christ is concerned…watch political power united with real signs and wonders. All of the Earth will wonder…he won’t need to appear on American TV.

  9. There does seem to be a preparing of the world right now. The apostate Emergent Christian movement is saying the same type of things only in biblical imagery, Rick Warren’s PEACE plan, and now a global economic crisis. It seems we could have a one world religion, government and economy very soon.


  10. Blue Collar Todd,

    was thinking on this today:

    It seems we could have a one world religion, government and economy very soon.

    Which do you believe will come first?

    I tend to think it will be the economy which will lead the way to uniting much of the world first.

  11. In my research of cultic, New Age, and heretical movements, one thing I have noticed over the years is a steady increase of people claiming to be “Jesus” or the “messiah.” It is called the “messiah complex,” which Wikipedia defines in part as:

    “…a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world.”

    While history records an extended shopping list of “Jesus” and/or “messiah” wannabe’s, our own generation has had its share of the same, most notably:

    –Haile Selassie (Rastafari movement).
    — Jim Jones (Jonestown)
    –Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church/Moonies).
    –Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda (land-based in Florida; claims to be both messiah and the antichrist).
    –David Koresh (Branch Davidians/Waco,Texas).
    –Sergei Torop (“Jesus of Siberia”).
    — Wayne Bent (Michael Travesser)

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_complex for an extended list and additional information.

    One thing the self-proclaimers had or have in common is a dedicated following.

    “‘People are hungry for signs'” states the Share International press release. People are drawn to things (and people) they can see and touch and hear. Those who hunger for signs and wonders and supernatural manifestations are easy pickings for the self-proclaimed and wannabe messiahs.

    Somewhere in the mix of the self-proclaimed deities is Maitreya. What makes him special? Nothing whatsoever. He’s just one name among many names on an extended shopping list–overly promoted by Benjamin Creme, I might add, and one among many who Jesus Christ warned about in Matthew chapter 24.

    There is more to the signs and wonders movement than meets the eyes. No wonder Jesus warned, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign” (Matthew 16:4).

    Because of Christ,
    Bud Press

  12. Brother Thomas –

    I agree with you about how could this guy probably won’t be taken seriously, but I think that the Anitchrist figure must appeal to the Jews as Messiah and I don’t see how this could work with a Muslim.

    On your point about the political figure, if you go to Constance Cumby’s blog, which I have been reading for quite some time, she puts together a very strong case for the leader of the EU named Javier Solana. He is a very prominent figure around the world and meets with the US leaders frequently, however his name is never mentioned in the press here. In fact, our Presidents have decided for and against bombings based on what this guy tells them. Clinton even said as much in the press, yet for some odd reason, we Americans are completely oblivious to this guy. Anyhoo, Ms. Cumby has built quite a compelling case for this guy based on his family roots in the New Age Occult, treaties with Israel, membership in the CFR, etc. He definately has the political clout that you were referring to. If you have some time, you should visit her blog for a very interesting read!

    His Servant,

  13. she puts together a very strong case for the leader of the EU named Javier Solana

    Yes she along with the late Herb Peters started pointing to him years ago. I just can’t see Solana playing a huge part in the last days though….

    At first i wondered, but its been years now and his clout actually seems to have waned rather then grown; at least publicly.

    There is more to the signs and wonders movement than meets the eyes.

    Bud, i read that last night and wanted to ask you if you would elaborate on it…. Are you getting the impression we’re not seeing clearly on the topic of signs and wonders–that something more, in relation to them?

    If so, i wouldn’t doubt it…

    I see the last day deception and falling away like an onion, with many layers. Everytime one layer is peeled away there is another underneath.

  14. Yes, I agree with Bud Press about there being more to the “signs and wonders” camp than meets the eye. PJ, your description of the layers of deception (like an onion) is well put.

    Just my two cents, but I see what I call the apostate church as 3-tiered: 1) Those who are now completely given over to the deception and leading others, 2) those who are well on their way due to hardness of heart (unbelief), lack of love and prayerlessness, and 3) those who may think they love God but do not really know Him because they are not grounded in the Word of God, lacking discernment, thus making them utterly susceptible to every wind of doctrine and cunning.

    With this mix, it is an ominous case of the completely blind leading the half blind leading the nearsighted, yet due to influence, their collective status is the same -they all fall into the pit. Then it is no longer what we have come to know as a mass hunt for the feel-good signs and wonders experience (ala Lakeland) but a thick darkness has begun to set in over the people, and is now a fog that won’t lift.

    As each wave of darkness comes, it reinforces the bondage and delusion yet again – layer by layer, wave upon wave and what we arrive at is the fulfillment of Thessalonians 2.

  15. Daniel 11:4 says: “And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those!”

    The key reference here is that the empire of Alexander The Great was divided into four kingdoms, but the prophet states that this kingdom will be removed for others besides those that divided kingdom. Therefore, the prophet Daniel was speaking of the Roman empire who conquered the divided Greek Empire of Alexander The Great.

    Daniel 9: 26 also refers to the nation that destroyed the city and the sanctuary, who again, were the Romans in 70 AD. As a result, the anti-Christ cannot be of a Muslim, Arab, Russian, American or Chinese ancestry.

    Further, an Orthodox Jew would be radically inflamed to see a Muslim sit in their Temple, and declare himself as god. The sole purpose of the anti-Christ is not to engage the world by racial division, but by seducing the entire world to worship him.

    Next, Mr. Solana also would be a poor anti-Christ because he is neither a king or a prince. He is not in the Davidic line to become the promised Messiah and does not have the power he represents. While it can be argued that he is from the old Roman Empire, so are King Juan Carlos of Spain, his son Phillip, Prince Charles and his sons, and others like them.

    The key to identifying the anti-Christ will be demonstrated by his actions in the future. God’s Word provides the details, and all we have to do is watch. But, if we do not study, and allow others to teach us, then our ability to see may become a matter of personal preference.

    I apologize for being brief, but I’m on the run and cannot devote a full explanation at this time. This little note is to show that our understanding of the anti-Christ is a crucial one, because one’s perception of the order of events will dictate which god one may worship.

    As an example, if one believes that the anti-Christ is an Arab or Muslim, then when Israel defeats the nation of Esau, many may conclude that since the anti-Christ is dead, be he the King of Jordan, or some Muslim radical, then the next Messiah to come will be the true King of Israel. However, the bible indicates that it is the anti-Christ who will take credit for the victory of Israel, and therefore, who will then claim to be the Messiah of the Jews.

    As a result, it is important to know the whole prophetic vision before speculating upon who the man of sin is, because if something is left out, or taken out of order, the conclusions one draws can be dangerous.

    I appreciate Tom and Kari for their love and desire to study these things, because so many do not. I pray that our knowledge is increased, and that our witness will be strong.

  16. Dave 2 –

    I agree. I had followed the Solana thing for quite some time and thought it could be possible but it just did not fit right. She does make a compelling case though, and I think that the person will have to be some type of political world leader similar to Solana. I would love it if you could spend more time on this topic, and share some of your insight because I do think it is important as well.

    I believe that it is 2 physical beings that we must prepare for, 1 being the global political leader and 1 being the false prophet that will work with this global leader to set up the one religion system. Of course Satan will be pulling the strings to complete their mimic of the Holy Trinity. Satan always tries to counterfeit the work of the Lord and that is why it is so easy to be deceived because he is always running a parallel religion if you will.

    Another thing to be wary of is the enemy has really been pushing Theosophy from many different angles. They have really been pushing this in the conspiracy and patriot movements because both of these movements are a real threat to promoting their plan of reducing the world population, utopian societies that are in “balance and harmony”, blah, blah, blah. Basically, as Kit said, eugenics. If you look at the mix of groups this mindset is latching on to, it is really quite astonishing. It is the liberal “mother earth” new age movement, the conservative Christian political groups, racist “new breed” Christians… all moving towards this same plan. On the surface these groups appear to be at war, but under the layers you will find that the end time goal is the same. You will see the same spirit of darkness lurking in the shadows of these movements, regardless of how benign they appear on the surface. I really look forward to more of what anyone has to offer on what conclusions their research has led them to on this topic. It is very interesting and very important.

  17. Amen Kari, it takes a wise and blessed heart to see through some of the smoke and mirrors displayed in today’s forms of worship, and you carry that well. While I don’t have all the answers, I agree that there will be two individual’s coming to make quite a global change, and complete as you say, the satanic trinity.
    It’s good to see that you are willing to step out and make comments, ask questions and wait on the Lord for answers, and have found that this how I too have learned. The spirit of truth works in all of us, and sometimes we get a piece of the vision from here or there, from this person or that. The Bible can at times be difficult to understand and we are blessed to have people like on this web site, who will offer what they can to help one another. And of course the Holy Spirit gives us the necessary discernment, backed by the bible, to build our witness.
    For in reality, there is no solid reason to understand bible prophecy if one is truly a child of God, except that our testimony may help someone avoid a bad decision. And so I agree with you that this is important, and I will share what I can, if I can. But I also look forward to all thoughts, for my education as well, and hope that others like you, will keep the watch.
    Last, it is unfortunate that the, what I call the lost religions, are also Messiah conscious, because their views can distract serious study. But worse, even our Christian brothers and sisters have made bible prophecy a field day of confusion, and this ought not to be so, but was certainly prophesied.
    I believe you said at one time, (may have been Kit, Lucy, Lisa or ?????) that satanist’s have infiltrated the Christian church, and are actively changing doctrine, and I agree based upon their teachings, and the end results of their respective beliefs. (2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 says that this has been going on for quite some time).
    Therefore, some former satanists have come forward claiming to be Christians, and Praise God for those whom are, but we must carefully consider what they teach. Because all too often, they will explain scripture by exposing a satanic doctrine, as a justification to support that teaching.
    Any true satanist who comes to the LORD in full repentance is sorrowfully ashamed of their past activity, and would not disgrace the Word of God by even mentioning their former rituals. The Bible stands alone, and does not need substantiating. But some have made a good living out of the implication that they have reformed, and as a result, would not lie.
    I mention this in passing, because the line between witchcraft and truth is getting thinner everyday, and the devil doesn’t lose any sleep over whom his minions deceive. I therefore pray that you study remains in His gracious hands, and that many find the truth, as a result of your obedience. Amen.

  18. If you look at the mix of groups this mindset is latching on to, it is really quite astonishing. It is the liberal “mother earth” new age movement, the conservative Christian political groups, racist “new breed” Christians… all moving towards this same plan. On the surface these groups appear to be at war, but under the layers you will find that the end time goal is the same. You will see the same spirit of darkness lurking in the shadows of these movements, regardless of how benign they appear on the surface.

    It is amazing Kari…

    While we may not see [yet] how all these groups will meet up at some point [i believe they will] we can see the same antichrist spirit working in all of them.

    I understand them to be pieces of the same puzzle, not assembled yet. When the time is right, we’ll see clearly and understand.

  19. Thank you PJ for a really interesting post. I had kind of put this whole Benjamin Creme thing on the backburner, thinking that his time here on earth was rapidly approaching the end. It will soon end, but there will always be another to carry his torch as he was once a disciple of the earlier generation of Theosophists and New Agers. It will only continue to get worse, but I find it just so fascinating to watch each of these separate groups with apparently different ajendas slowly form one great apastacy coming in at odd angles.

    Thank you Dave 2 for your encouragement and input in the discussion. I look forward to engaging with you on this topic as things arise. Thanks be to everyone here that we can work together with a jealousy to guard the perfection that is our Father in Heaven.

    • Kari
      Although it has been more than 4 years since we talked about this subject I sincerely appreciated your thoughts and understanding of the importance of end time prophecy and hope that your desire to help others grow continues to this day.
      Of course I do not believe that this so called Muslim Messiah is the real anti-Christ but it serves the devil well to have a false anti-Christ to defeat at the appointed time. I apologize if it appears that I have not kept up with things but I do try to allow God’s Spirit to move as He pleases and perhaps now is the time to reopen this discussion. One difficulty we may have when presenting truth is the fact that some hearts are not yet prepared to accept either what is written or a reality they unwilling to deal with.
      Therefore, no matter how pure one’s intentions may be a sad consequence of our testimony is that if a heart has not been prepared by the Holy Spirit to either teach or receive wisdom no amount of scripture, logic or even common use of grammar will touch a soul. In fact the subject of an Anti-Christ, whether past, present or future can stir emotions and cause discord beyond the bounds of the love we are charged to hold.
      As you have suggested, one’s understanding of this subject is critical because those we love will need help in a day when souls are severely at stake. For example, if one is to believe and depend upon an historical Anti-Christ they may be willing to accept a new god whom comes claiming to be the answer to their prayers when in fact he most certainly won’t be. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore SHALL see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet” confirms that the rise of the Anti-Christ cannot be before roughly 30 AD since Jesus Christ referred by the use of the word shall as a future event from His day.
      Therefore, after 30 AD the question moves to any possible identity that fulfilled ALL of the written prophecies concerning this beast. Since Jesus Christ referred to Daniel the prophet we too should consider the things he wrote. For example, Daniel said in chapter 8 verses 10-14 (KJV) that the anti-Christ will end the daily sacrifice and in chapter 11: 31 the prophet adds that after they take away the daily sacrifice that they shall also place the abomination that maketh desolate.
      Since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD and no sacrifices have been given since, that would seem to indicate that someone between 30 and 70 AD would have been the anti-Christ. However, as you pointed out no one has ever fulfilled all of the prophecies of this man during that time or anytime thereafter. As a result some have suggested that the rule of the anti-Christ is in reality a spiritual matter of the heart.
      But the truth has more to do with the signs that Jesus Christ gave in Matthew 24 than with trying to figure out why Daniel 9:26 says: “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the PEOPLE OF THE PRINCE that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined!”
      Basic grammar would suggest that the prophet in verse 26 of chapter 9 is speaking of two separate events since: one, the people of Jesus Christ did not come and destroy the city and the sanctuary and two, since we know that the Romans came in 70 AD and did destroy the city and the sanctuary that the Messiah and the Prince of the people are two separate individuals.
      Then, if one continues to read verse 27 of Daniel chapter 9 where it is written: “And he shall confirm the covenant with MANY (Not just Israel) for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate (Why would Jesus Christ cause the sacrifice to cease to spread abomination?), even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate!”
      Of course not everyone reads this text the same and not every Bible is written the same either so arguments over this text has gone on for centuries. But I have no desire to cause discontent and in some quarters, anger, but to offer a possible proof as to the true meaning of this scripture that will not contradict Daniel 8, 11 or what is written in Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelations 6, 13, 19 or 20 just to name a few texts that deal with the prophecies of the Anti-Christ.
      Please consider that in Matthew 24: 3 that Jesus Christ was asked 3 questions, number one: “when shall these things be” (the destruction of the city and the sanctuary)? Two: “what shall be the SIGN of thy COMING”? And 3: “and of the end of the world”?
      Taking the first question, I believe that Jesus Christ did NOT answer that question for the rest of His sermon (Chapters 24 & 25) because He used His prophecy of the destruction of the city and the temple as confirmation that what He was about to tell His disciples. He offered that prophecy to keep in line with what is written in the book of Deuteronomy that if a prophet says something will happen but does not happen, then you’ve nothing to fear from that prophet.
      Question 2 however is the real troublemaker because how one receives this prophecy goes a long way to determine one’s perspective of who, what and when the anti-Christ rises. After all, when the disciples asked Jesus Christ what was the SIGN of His COMING, He did NOT say I’m NOT coming back, but gave the answer in verses 29-31 of Matthew 24.
      In fact, regardless of how many verses written in the Old Testament that plainly state that Jesus Christ will rule HERE on earth, it is unfortunate that some will ignore what Jesus Christ Himself said in: John 14:3, Matthew 24:30, Luke 21:27, Revelations 20:4 or what was promised in Acts 1:10-11, Acts 15: 15-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:1 & 8, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 3:13, 4:15, 5:23, James 5: 7 & 8, 2 Peter 1:16, 3:4, 1 Corinthians 15: 20-23 and 1 John 2:28 just to keep their doctrine intact.
      Others may argue that Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 was speaking to only that particular generation living at the time of His prophecy and have concluded that everything was completed by 70 AD. But again, if Jesus Christ had completed ALL of His works at the cross the condition of this world for the past 1900 plus years should tell us that there is still much work to be done and besides, no one has ruled the earth as described in the Book of Daniel nor in the Book of Revelations and so confusion moves on.
      Sometimes it suits God to test the hearts of His people to help them overcome hidden sins (Hebrews 10) and one of the ways He will do this is to try our trust in His Word. Since we say we love God then that love is richly received if it is given the respect due Him. While it would have been much easier to have just given a name and a date for all things to come to pass, God enjoys our reverence to what He says and sometimes if we are not willing to offer an open heart, nor do care enough to spend time with Him, He allows us to miss important keys to understanding. For example, when Jesus Christ was here He always referred to the Old Testament prophecies that confirmed who He claimed to be. If the people did not have respect for God’s Word then they missed what Jesus Christ was telling them.
      It is abundantly clear that the time of the anti-Christ is yet to come because of one simple phrase: “the latter days”. The vision given to Daniel the prophet was written for the latter days (Daniel 2: 28 and 10:14). Ezekiel 38 also refers to the “latter days” in verses 8 and 16 as the time when Gog attacks Israel. Therefore, if one reads the accounts and descriptions prophesied in Ezekiel 38 & 39 then one must admit that at no time since 30 AD has such an event ever taken place as written.
      Therefore, since both the vision of the beast given to Daniel and the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 are to take place during the “latter days” then if one prophecy is fulfilled then so must the other. This is why Jesus Christ said that this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled because he was speaking to that generation living during the “latter days”. And even though throughout history many of God’s people believed that their particular generation was the last generation, until a people see the events described in Ezekiel 38 come to pass it would be incorrect to say that the anti-Christ has already come. But it is still never a bad idea to live one’s life serving the LORD as if it is the latter days whether this is the last generation or not.
      Kari, I pray that your walk with the LORD is firm and filled with His love, peace and joy. I encourage you to trust what is written and to remember that God cannot be Who He claims He is if He needs the wisdom of men to edit His Word or explain what He means against what He has said. I pray for those hearts that have created a god of such weakness and hope that they will turn from that idol. Amen.

    • Of course I do not believe that this so called Muslim Messiah is the real anti-Christ but it serves the devil well to have a false anti-Christ to defeat at the appointed time.

      Not only the Muslim Messiah Dave2 but as the Wall Street Journal article said,

      Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.

      You kind of strayed from the topic in your comment so i won’t get into portions of what you wrote except to say yes, many Christians are looking for a future man to appear on the scene as “the” antichrist…while many other Believers see the term applied differently.

      See: Antichrist: One or Many?

  20. PJ wrote: Bud, i read that last night and wanted to ask you if you would elaborate on it…. Are you getting the impression we’re not seeing clearly on the topic of signs and wonders–that something more, in relation to them? If so, i wouldn’t doubt it…I see the last day deception and falling away like an onion, with many layers. Everytime one layer is peeled away there is another underneath.


    Thank you for asking me to elaborate on my comment.
    Before I comment on the “something more” regarding the signs and wonders movement, let me set the stage for what works hand-in-hand with deception.

    After years of research into cultic and heretical belief systems, one question that has lingered is, “What drives a person to adore and idolize heretics and false prophets?” After all, it doesn’t happen overnight. There is a process that has to take place.

    And that process is “subtle conditioning.”

    Here are a few excerpts from articles I have written that address the process:

    — “There are two types of love: true love and false love. One is genuine; the other is counterfeit. For example, raise children and tell them “You are stupid and worthless, but I love you anyway,” and there’s a good chance they will grow up thinking they are stupid and worthless, and develop mixed emotions on what love really is.

    “Accordingly, a husband who mentally and physically abuses his wife and but immediately maintains his love for her after he calms down–suffers from a false love syndrome. Whether the man realizes it or not, he has conditioned his wife and children to equate love with abuse. After years of this abusive conditioning, the wife is convinced she loves her husband and he loves her, in spite of the daily beatings. As for the children, this false love syndrome paints a bleak future for them, many of whom may continue the abusive conditioning process for generations to come.

    “True love isn’t abusive, intimidating, manipulative or deceptive, but is gentle, kind, compassionate and understanding. On the other hand, deception’s false love and its conditioning process sets the stage for further, darker, deeper delusion” (“Ken Blanchard/New Age,” http://www.christianresearchservice.com/KenBlanchard8.htm ).

    — “For years, many Christians have been conditioned to accept anything that comes down the pike–no matter how far-out or ridiculous. Part of that conditioning process is to lift-up, admire and adore false prophets, downplay their false prophecies with a grin and shrug, brush the false prophecies off as simple mistakes, then concentrate on ‘all of the good things’ the false prophet does.

    “This is extremely dangerous territory for the Christian to be wandering around in. It opens the door wide open for the acceptance of all forms of deception, and shuts the door on Scriptural commands to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21); test the spirits (1 John 4:1); defend the faith (Jude 3), and proper interpretation of the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15)” (“An Open Letter to Charisma Magazine,” http://www.christianresearchservice.com/CharismaOpenLetter1.htm ).

    — “Professing Christians who endorse books that mock God and defend doctrines of demons fail miserably to heed the commands of Scripture and recognize God’s holy word as their final authority. They serve as poor examples to the Christian church and as representatives of Jesus Christ. By their actions, they contribute to the subtle conditioning process that clouds the minds of Christians; a process that reaches out and snares the sheep they should be protecting in the first place. The conditioning process is deception within deception, and sets the stage for further, darker, deeper deception” (“Interview with Craig Hazen,” http://www.christianresearchservice.com/CraigHazen1.htm ).

    The conditioning process is real and active within the body of Christ. This is why Christians must be on guard (but not paranoid) and be aware of how subtle cultic, heretical, and New Age teachers and teachings are.

    Now, how does the conditioning process factor into the modern-day signs and wonders movement? Instead of making this the world’s longest post, the best way to answer the question is provide a few examples.

    Modern-day faith healing is an integral part of the signs and wonders movement. All faith healers claim to have the gift of healing. As such, they try to duplicate what Jesus and His apostles did 2,000 years ago. Some have resorted to fakery, while others have refined their “gift” with subtle, repetitive words and actions (conditioning process).

    On page 223 of his 2008 book, “Journey Into The Miraculous,” Todd Bentley states that, “I had an encounter with an angel! I then received more accurate words of knowledge and discovered that I had received a gift of healing and of discernment” (book on file).

    Clearly, Bentley claimed to have the gift of healing. However, when his “gift” was tested, it was proven false many times over. Here are just two examples:

    11 year old boy with cerebral palsy:

    Man with prosthetic legs and a glass eye:

    As you watch these videos, pay close attention to how Bentley works the crowds and how the people react to Bentley.

    Neither the boy or the man were healed, because Todd Bentley did not have the Biblical gift of healing, or discernment. Yet, the crowds reacted favorably because they were conditioned to do so over a period of time.

    This is in your face fine-tuned deception–backed and motivated by the conditioning process–within the signs and wonders movement. And it is paving the way for something more sinister and deceptive, with “all power and signs and false wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

    My friends, be on guard. Stay strong in the Lord, and let nothing separate you from the truth of God’s written word. We “ain’t” seen nothing yet.

    Because of Christ,
    Bud Press

    • This is in your face fine-tuned deception–backed and motivated by the conditioning process–within the signs and wonders movement. And it is paving the way for something more sinister and deceptive, with “all power and signs and false wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

      Yes, i agree Bud, there is definitely a conditioning taking place. I get the sense that what is coming is going to be such a strong deception/delusion [in the signs and wonders movement] that nothing anyone outside of this deception says to those caught up in it, will matter.

      We got a taste of that this year during the lakeland/bentley deal. Those who believed God was in that outpouring and that Todd was anointed of God, were totally blind–and deaf to anything anyone said to them. I still find it spooky just recalling the debates which went on here at my blog between those who pointed out scriptures repeatedly to those who refused to listen. Nothing anyone said to them mattered..and what was stranger still is they appeared to not even ‘see’ the many scriptures posted which proved Todd’s teachings were unbiblical.

      Thanks for the links Bud…and for expounding more on the topic.

  21. Hi Sis,

    Thanks for the heads up on the latest Maitreya news. It came in useful in this weeks sermon on false Christs:



    • Hi Larry…

      You’re welcome little brother.

      Glad you stopped by so i can wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

      Thanks for the link…i’ll be checking it out.

      love u Laz…

  22. And a very Merry Christmas to you, my sister! May the coming year be full of His presence and comfort!


  23. do we live in the time of revelation?will this generation see end times?questions i think every day.one will not know until the times are upon us.so keep Jesus Christ in your mind,heart,and soul.and pray for those who do not.

  24. As much as I thought I knew about the NWO, now this. I was looking at the Mitraya website’s “Master Plan” for the world. It actually says that. It’s planned government is what the UN pushes. The UN looks like a world enforcement arm of maitraya. They use the term “New World Religion” and at the same time we hear Kissenger and others calling for a “New Financial World Order” with this staged finacial crisis.

    We were told by Biden and Powell that Obama will face a major crisis on Jan 21 or 22. Were they just running their mouths or are they setting the stage for this new occult world gov’t? I don’t know, guess we will know in a few weeks.

    And, where does one start when trying to tell other Christians about this. So many “Christians” are completely ignorant about the NWO and don’t have the guts to face history or reality. Some actually believe the CFR doesn’t exist and that Rocefeller is a good man. My own cousin-in-law disowned me when I tried to convince him to watch America:Freedom to Fascism with me and he does most of the “preaching” at my old church.

    • And, where does one start when trying to tell other Christians about this.

      My advice is in small doses.. 🙂

      Many christians can become overwhelmed or confused when being made aware of certain issues Mike. I think its best to pray, asking God to show you when and how to approach other believers with issues they may not be aware of…

      They balk at much of this because of fear…remember that.

  25. I’m alittle confused here. I thought Hitler was the antichrist for this time. Which means now that Christ will come next, not another Antichrist. I cant remember reading in the bible that there will be two antichrists at one time. I mean if this Maitreya person is the antichrist and has been supposedly in the world since 1977 then thats only 30 years since Hitler was defeated. It doesn’t make much sense, and surely Hitler had to be the Antichrist given he was so evil, ruled with an iron fist and wanted to rule the world.

    It’s crazy, some Christians actually think Obama is the antichrist, or Clinton, George Bush, Saddam Hussien, Javier Solana, The Iranian president, – the list goes on and on, its gets so silly. There is no doubt that the world is full of evil people, but that does not make them the antichrist.

    The false god of today is commercialization, where money rules supreme, where profits and growth are more important than the lives and dignity of our brother s and sisters worldwide. How many more children starved to death today, – 25,000.

    This world now more than ever needs the Return of Christ, and each day I pray for his return and hope that my fellow christians don’t reject and scorn him because their hearts and minds have been closed by fear and religious dogma. It happen 2000 years ago, so it would be the most tragic of tradegies if it happens again now at this time.

  26. Why are fundamentalist Christians of the opinion that only their view is correct, that the other non-Christian people of the world are incorrect, and since they don’t accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, are all doomed to go to hell. They are the only group that clings to the idea of a big bad chief devil, anti-Christ, and they think that Jesus died for their sins. Just those two mind numbing views alone make it impossible for me to take their fears seriously. Maitreya will not work as a religious leader, but he will bring the world together and inspire mankind to see itself as one family. Who could possibly object to that?

  27. Ah…that’s just it John. It’s ecumenical peace. It is lip-service. It isn’t real.

    That and personally (as well as I’m sure many, many other true children of the MOST HIGH), I’m not afraid of it. And I will object to it.
    Jeremiah 6:14
    “They have healed the wound of my people lightly,
    saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
    when there is no peace.”

    There can be no peace without Jesus Christ of Nazareth, son of the MOST HIGH.

  28. (one more thing. heh.)
    Loneman – if anything I would say that God was the One to block their “plan” the world stage was very nearly ripe then, but not quite. Looks like it may be more so now.

  29. Very True!
    Any Peace
    WITHOUT Jesus
    Only A sad, and temporary,

  30. Michael, Hitler wasn’t THE ANTI-CHRIST; he was one operating in the spirit of such. He never united the entire world in an economic system or got the whole world to worship him and accept a mark to buy or sell. That hasn’t happened yet. When you see a one world order economic/religious system come to pass, you will know it is the false Christ. The real Christ won’t come until all of that is accomplished. We are still waiting on the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. The real Jesus will come later; first you will see persecution of the Church and Christians beheaded for not worshipping and accepting the mark of the Beast. When this occurs, you will know that the true Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha!

  31. Becky, im not 100% positive but i think Michael might have been being sarcastic.

    There have been many who were thought to have been antichrist down through the years… i believe he was pointing that out. Course i could be wrong, LOL.

    As John wrote:

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

  32. I recommend the works of Anatoliy Golitsyn, ex-KGB and Russian Historian. He wrote two books, “New Lies for Old” and later “Perestroika Deception”, detailing Russian long term strategy. He was one of the spies that defected that showed us how horribly penetrated we were. He could quote US classified information, their page numbers, who wrote them, and when they were written. He defected to join our side and is quite the good man, and his writings are far more substantial than the New World Order nonsense.

  33. [QUOTE]If you look at the mix of groups this mindset is latching on to, it is really quite astonishing. It is the liberal “mother earth” new age movement, the conservative Christian political groups, racist “new breed” Christians… all moving towards this same plan. On the surface these groups appear to be at war, but under the layers you will find that the end time goal is the same. You will see the same spirit of darkness lurking in the shadows of these movements, regardless of how benign they appear on the surface.

    Hahahaha! Yeah sure, Benny Hinn, the ACLU, PETA, and their legion of buffoonish followers are going to take over the world. Oh, and ofcourse they will be funded by mysterious rich white capitalists. Hahaha! And hey, lets throw some astrology in while we’re at it. Maybe read nostradamus a little and make some comments about Planet X and the year 2012 or something. That’s the gist of NWO theory.

  34. The star is in the sky for a few years now, the way people relate to it is like a pecking chicken.

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