“The Year in Hate”

What a distressing, though not surprising report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


The number of hate groups operating in the United States continued to rise in 2008 and has grown by 54 percent since 2000 — an increase fueled last year by immigration fears, a failing economy and the successful campaign of Barack Obama, according to the “Year in Hate” issue of the SPLC’s Intelligence Report released today.

The SPLC identified 926 hate groups active in 2008, up more than 4 percent from the 888 groups in 2007 and far above the 602 groups documented in 2000. A list and interactive, state-by-state map of these groups can be viewed here. (*I checked my area…surprise! the one in my own backyard states they are “Christians”)

As in recent years, hate groups were animated by fears of Latino immigration. This rise in hate groups has coincided with a 40 percent growth in hate crimes against Latinos between 2003 and 2007, according to FBI statistics.

Two new factors were introduced to the volatile hate movement in 2008: the faltering economy and the Obama campaign.

“Barack Obama’s election has inflamed racist extremists who see it as another sign that their country is under siege by non-whites,” said Mark Potok, editor of the Intelligence Report, a quarterly investigative journal that monitors the radical right. “The idea of a black man in the White House, combined with the deepening economic crisis and continuing high levels of Latino immigration, has given white supremacists a real platform on which to recruit.”

Several white supremacists have been arrested while allegedly plotting to kill Obama, and following the election he received more threats than any previous president-elect. Scores of racially charged incidents — beatings, effigy burnings, racist graffiti, threats and intimidation — were reported across the country after the election.

Extremists are also exploiting the economic crisis, spreading propaganda that blames minorities and immigrants for the subprime mortgage meltdown. Tough economic times historically provide fertile ground for extremist movements.

As this issue of the Intelligence Report points out, minority-bashing propaganda can spread rapidly through the media, even when it has no basis in fact. The issue examines the widespread media reporting of a false claim that undocumented immigrants held 5 million bad mortgages and were, therefore, responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis.

The hate groups listed in this issue include neo-Nazis, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, Klansmen and black separatists. Other groups target gays or immigrants, and some specialize in producing racist music or propaganda denying the Holocaust.

  • A quote from the report (WARNING, Offensive)

From white power skinheads decrying “President Obongo” at a racist gathering in rural Missouri, to neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen hurling epithets at Latino immigrants from courthouse steps in Oklahoma, to anti-Semitic black separatists calling for death to Jews on bustling street corners in several East Coast cities, hate group activity in the U.S. was disturbing and widespread throughout 2008, as the number of hate groups operating in America continued to rise.

Somewhat surprisingly, it wasn’t just the usual suspects from the white supremacist underworld who sought to exploit the country’s economic turmoil and political strife. A key 2008 hate group trend was the increasing militancy of the extremist fringe of the Hebrew Israelite movement, whose adherents believe that Jews are creatures of the devil and that whites deserve death or slavery.

These radical black supremacists have no love for Barack Obama, calling him a “house nigger” and a puppet of Israel. They preach to inner-city blacks that evil Jews are solely responsible for the recession. The rhetoric of white-skinned hate group leaders in 2008 was equally alarming. Last September, for example the cover of National Socialist magazine depicted then-presidential nominee Barack Obama in the crosshairs of a scope, with the headline “Kill This Nigger?”

Don Black said he despises Barack Obama. And he said he believes illegal aliens undermine the economic fabric of the United States.

Black, a 55-year-old former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, isn’t the only person who holds such firm beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which today released its annual hate group report.

“We fear these conditions will favor the growth of these groups in the future,” said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project. “In the long arch of history, we are definitely moving forward, but these kinds of events can produce backlashes.”

Black claims the number of registered members and readers on his white nationalist Web site surged to unprecedented levels in recent months.

On the day after Obama’s historic election, more than 2,000 people joined his Web site, a remarkable increase from the approximately 80 new members a day he was getting, Black said. His Web site, which was started in 1995, is one of the oldest and largest hate group sites. The site received so many hits that it crashed after election results were announced. The site boasts 110,000 registered members today, Black said.

“People who had been a little more complacent and kind of upset became more motivated to do something,” said Black, who also said he joined his first hate group at age 15.

Most of the hate groups are located in the South, but the state with the highest number of documented hate groups is California with 84.

Obama serves as a “visual aid” that is helping respark a sense of purpose in current supporters and lure new members, said neo-Nazi David Duke, the former Klan leader who was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in the 1980s. Duke said he fears “the white European-American” heritage will soon be destroyed. He added that his Web site sees around 40,000 unique visitors a day, up from 15,000 a day before Obama won the election.

Scapegoating occurs most often in times of economic distress, according to experts studying hate crimes. From the Holocaust in Europe to abuses against Irish Catholic immigrants in the 1830s in the United States, people are most likely to lash out against others when they feel vulnerable or need to displace their economic frustrations on others, psychologists say.

In the city of Detroit, Michigan, where the weak economy has taken a particularly devastating toll, Jeff Schoep serves as the commander for the National Socialist Movement, one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in the United States.

Schoep said he has seen membership grow by 40 percent in recent months, mostly because of the dire economic circumstances. It is the “most dramatic growth” he has seen since he joined the movement in the mid-1990s. The group does not reveal membership numbers to the media, he said.

“You have an American work force facing massive unemployment,” Schoep said. “And you have presidents and politicians flinging open the borders telling them to take the few jobs left while our men are in soup kitchens.”

Experts studying hate crimes say there is no reliable way to link the growing number of hate groups with an increase in hate crimes, since many of the attacks go unreported.

Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who studied the issue of hate crimes, said people in hate groups can feel paranoid about a specific group of people. This panic leads them to feel threatened, and they may react with violence, he said. (More at link)


This type of fear and hatred isn’t just coming from known hate [or racist] groups today, its becoming widespread. Even within the media, and sadly within some Christian circles.

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21 comments on ““The Year in Hate”

  1. I find it suprising that people can find the time 2 fuel hatered in these times but then people will be people and they need ‘someone’ 2 blame 4 what may b wrong with their lives. I guess this is easier then trying 2 b a part of the solution. So we have white supremacists that get almost as much protection as the President himself under the guise of freedom of speech spewing death threats againts the President..hhmmm!!! When will they learn that the current recession began when G.W.Bush invaded Iraq using false information. This war has done nothing esle beside what war contractors RICHER then forment feelings of haterd against the West…it is not the Jews its your own country that has caused the current hardships so look there.
    How can the KKK get so much freedom 2 say what they want 2 say when they want 2 say it but when Rev. Wright makes a speech, he is classified as anit-american and asked 2 apologize?

  2. Sounds like there study reflects Paul the Apostle’s writings of years ago?

    2Ti 3:1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.
    2Ti 3:2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
    2Ti 3:3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,
    2Ti 3:4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
    2Ti 3:5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
    2Ti 3:6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions,
    2Ti 3:7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

    My guess it the reason for the increases is a lack of the knowledge of the truth!

    The Truth, so real and powerful and fulfilling, when once one experiences the knowledge of the Truth, you would think, hatred would be on a decline. Not so, according to Paul, cf verse 7!

  3. reading my comments, it looks like I need to edit it for better wording:

    Sounds like “their’, not ‘there’, study reflects Paul the Apostle’s writings of years ago?

    My guess ‘is’, not ‘it’, the reason for the increases is a lack of the knowledge of the truth!

    The Truth, so real and powerful and fulfilling, when once one experiences the knowledge of the Truth, you would think, hatred would be on a decline. Not so, according to Paul, cf verse 7!

  4. 99% of society, even in America (?) probably does not support these hate groups. So why give them any attention? It only gives them a platform and recognition. Ignore them! Leave David Duke and his ilk to wallow in their ignorant and insecure swamplands, alone and irrelevant in their lunatic fringe, as they should be. They will never go away as long as ignorance exists but as a society we should rise above it and stop treating stuff like this as contemporary news. Problem is CNN and the rest of the media think its up to them to decide for us what “news matters”

    • Because this spirit of hate is spreading beyond the boarders of wacko-o fringe groups Stymie..This is why i give them attention.

      Some day this anti-christ spirit of hate is going to be directed at any and ALL true followers of Christ. Everywhere.

      If you think it hasn’t already openly infiltrated a certain portion of main stream society then you’re not reading every day where i am….

      There are even Christians in which this spirit is being openly manifested now. Its the spirit of antichrist which has taken over these people who were once Christians, and continue to believe they still are! I believe that 100%

      Ignoring something doesn’t make it disappear…neither does staying in ignorance mean its not there and not growing.

  5. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a bunch of Marxist fraud hustlers. And I say this as a black man from the rural deep south who has experienced my share of racism. The Southern Poverty Law Center is every bit as much against Jesus Christ as the racists are. As a matter of fact, the Southern Poverty Law Center would probably – indeed almost certainly – classify your own site as a hate site and is working for the day when the government can ban it.

  6. I checked my area out…6 separate groups in my immediate area. 3 Black Separatists, an Uber-Catholic Traditionalist, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis. Like I’ve always said, “Philadelphia: The City of Brotherly Hate”. Lord have mercy.

  7. According to the article hate groups have been growing rapidly since 2000. If I look at that statistic then I would have to blame the Republican Administration for it. BUT, I am wiser than that.

    Hate groups have always been here. Most have been silent and perhaps frightened by those who are different from them – afraid to speak their mind until they could latch onto a large enough group to protect them. If this group gets busted, the just joined will accuse the group of brainwashing them.

    I, also, feel sorry for people who spew hate and wish others dead. They have to have been hurt a lot in their lives to feel so much anger and savage hatred as that. May I make one plea to them? Seek professional counseling so you can try to figure what when and where you grew to hate people you have never met before. I can see hating a person who have harmed you, but to hate an entire race of people is not logical. It is as illogical as the Taliban wanting to kill me (who they have never met) when they do not know my heart.

    • Delores, i agree. We can’t blame any political party.

      Its not a secular [or political] problem, but a spiritual problem.

  8. A person enters my house uninvited. He or she decides to eat my food, wear my clothes and use my medicine.

    I stand on my porch and yell to my neighbors that a home invasion is taking place.

    The SPLC labels this hate speech.

    This is just a guise to silents anyone who differs with their agenda.

    Are they addessing the the gangs in LA?

    Are they condemning the hate speech of ganstra rap?

    Are they protesting the violence against the unborn?

    What we sould be considering is, the goal of organsations like SPLC.

  9. I was surprised to see four groups listed in my home state of South Dakota, looked closer and it appears that two of them are “national” organizations that don’t have a specific town indicated. The other two are in the far southern part of the state (southeast & southwest).

    I’m moving back home this fall (to a town in the far northern part of the state) to get my teaching degree so I won’t be close to either of these groups, thankfully. Leaving Texas which has 66 groups listed…didn’t realize there were so many here, but shouldn’t be surprised either by what I’ve seen I guess.

    I think it’s good to expose groups like this…kind of like exposing a bunch of cockroaches to a bright light. Groups listed in Houston are “Aryan Nations, Confederate Hammerskins, Imperial Klans of America, Nation of Islam, New Black Panther Party, United White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan”.

    With names like that, I doubt they’re just into having “neighborhood bake sales”…good to know when groups like that are operating in your area. Rather sobering, but again, not all that surprising for down here.

    • Mark, i was shocked to see the one nearest me (within a few miles!) promotes themselves as a ‘Christian org. (Fellowship of God’s Covenant People)

      It shouldn’t have shocked me i guess, for many of the older hate groups [The KKK, for instance) were founded and by those who believed they were followers of Christ.

      You’ve known me for years Mark, and know im not an alarmist, but i’ll tell you, im seeing this same ‘spirit’ within Christian circles today: on boards, blogs, etc…and within even a few believers i talk to often in my daily life here. Its frightening to see this same antichrist spirit coming from those who claim to follow Christ, and who up until recent years, actually did. What is even more disturbing is they seem to be totally unaware of the change which has occurred in themselves.

      I’m afraid this spirit of hate is only going to grow before Jesus returns.

      Jesus warned us of love growing cold in the last days and i believe this is part of it. Its growing very bold… Where once this spirit was more hidden, operated more subtly, its not hidden or subtle anymore. Not in the world of the lost, nor in those who claim to be Christians.

      I think it’s good to expose groups like this…kind of like exposing a bunch of cockroaches to a bright light.


      It should be brought up also, so that we as followers of Christ can be aware of this spirit, to prepare ourselves to reject it if it tries to infiltrate our own lives.

  10. SPLC is NOT a group from whom I (nor you, dear jp) should be getting “news” or “reports”. They have an agenda, an anti-Christ agenda, and issue “reports” furthering that agenda.

    Let us be about Jesus and His Gospel in love, refuting those who misrepresent it, earnestly contending for the Faith.

    Steer clear of SPLC; we do not need them to reveal nor confirm the truth we find in the Scriptures, that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one and that the heart of man is desperately wicked.

    SPLC characterizes true disciples of Jesus as “hate groups.”

    • Hi Victoria…

      I gather news from all kinds of sources, including secular news sources. We can’t expect secular news org. (CNN, Fox, NBC, etc) or other non Christian org’s to see news or reports like we do, but we can use them to recognize trends.

  11. […] Obama, people, politics, racism, society, southern poverty law center by Polycarp Pj Miller alerts us to a recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center: The number of hate groups operating in the […]

  12. I am a Minister and Teacher of the Word. One day with some disciples I taught on “hate”.

    Yes, I opened my teaching with a prayer similar to this:

    “Lord Jesus, teach us to hate as You teach us to Hate”, amen!

    Hmmmmmm, yes, I taught on hating; we should all learn to hate! God hates! I hate! I say, hate, hate, hate!

    Can I hear an amen? 🙂

    Luk 14:25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them,
    Luk 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
    Luk 14:27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

  13. Victoria is correct. Learn a little more about the pro-homosexual, anti-God agenda of the SPLC. I’m not defending any of the groups on thier list. But be aware that we are rapidly moving towards a society where we cannot speak out against sin.

    In Australia, already certain scriptures are verboten.

    The SPLCs’ oft quoted essay on Joel’s Army tried to make it sound like they were wacko militia types. I’ll agree with wacko, but I’ve not heard Todd telling people to cache ammunition.


    The SPLC is watching very closely the Christian Reconstructionist movement, which I don’t agree with, but I would not consider most involved with that as part of a “hate group.”

    SPLC wants to paint with broad strokes those who do not subscribe to their pro-gay agenda.


  14. michael:

    The article refers to hating people, not hating sin. That said, I loathe the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    PJ Miller:

    I endorse Victoria’s views 100%. Not only does the Southern Poverty Law Center have an anti – Christ agenda, but they are not above distorting facts in the interests of pursuing it. I don’t doubt that racist behavior is on the move. I myself just put up a post on the bizarre rapid increase in anti – Semitism. It is just that I have real problem with the messenger, the SPLC, in this case. If the SPLC gets their way, black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish etc. Christians will be sitting in jail right beside the white ones. We will all finally be having church together, and that’s a silver lining of course, but that would be quite a heavy price to pay for it 🙂

  15. Job,

    thanks for underscoring my point! 🙂

    “….That said, I loathe the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

  16. Lets forget the Southern Poverty Law Center’s report for the moment and look at a few other facts from elsewhere. This is an older article i recall reading last summer;

    Hate Groups’ Newest Target
    White Supremacists Report an Increase in Visits to Their Web Sites


    Sen. Barack Obama’s historic victory in the Democratic primaries, celebrated in America and across much of the world as a symbol of racial progress and cultural unity, has also sparked an increase in racist and white supremacist activity, mainly on the Internet, according to leaders of hate groups and the organizations that track them.

    Neo-Nazi, skinhead and segregationist groups have reported gains in numbers of visitors to their Web sites and in membership since the senator from Illinois secured the Democratic nomination June 3. His success has aroused a community of racists, experts said, concerned by the possibility of the country’s first black president.

    “I haven’t seen this much anger in a long, long time,” said Billy Roper, a 36-year-old who runs a group called White Revolution in Russellville, Ark. “Nothing has awakened normally complacent white Americans more than the prospect of America having an overtly nonwhite president.”

    Such groups have historically inflated their influence for self-promotion and as an intimidation technique, and they refused to provide exact membership numbers or open their meetings to a reporter. Leaders acknowledged that their numbers remain very small — “the flat-globe society still has more people than us,” Roper said.

    But experts said their claims reveal more than hyperbole this time.

    “The truth is, we’re finding an explosion in these kinds of hateful sentiments on the Net, and it’s a growing problem,” said Deborah Lauter, civil rights director for the Anti-Defamation League, which monitors hate group activity. “There are probably thousands of Web sites that do this now. I couldn’t even tell you how many are out there because it’s growing so fast.”

    Don Black spends 16 hours each day on his laptop computer reading hundreds of derogatory Obama comments posted on Stormfront.org, a Web site with the motto “white pride world wide.” Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, launched the site in 1995 to create a central meeting place for the white power movement. In the wake of Obama’s securing enough delegates for the nomination, Stormfront, he says, has begun to fulfill his vision.

    A site that drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002 has expanded into Black’s full-time job, attracting more than 40,000 unique users each day who can post on 54 different message boards, he said. Black has enlisted 40 moderators and his 19-year-old son to help run Stormfront.

    “I get nonstop e-mails and private message from new people who are mad as hell about the possibility of Obama being elected,” said Black, a white power activist since the 1970s. “White people, for a long time, have thought of our government as being for us, and Obama is the best possible evidence that we’ve lost that. This is scaring a lot of people who maybe never considered themselves racists, and it’s bringing them over to our side.”

    Almost all white power leaders said they are benefiting from the rise in recruits. David Duke, a former Louisiana state representative and a longtime advocate of racial segregation, said hits to his Web site have doubled and that more organizations now request him as a guest speaker. Dan Hill, who runs an extremist group in northern Michigan, says his cohorts are more willing to “take serious action” and plan rallies to protest politicians and immigration. Roper says White Revolution receives about 10 new applicants each week, more than double the norm.

    The groups also despise Republican Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for his moderate views on immigration and his willingness to stick with the Iraq war. Better for Obama to win, leaders said, because his presidency could fuel a recruitment drive big enough to launch events that the white power movement has spent decades anticipating.

    “One person put it this way: Obama for president paves the way for David Duke as president,” said Duke, who ran for president in 1988, received less than 1 percent of the vote and has since spent much of his time in Europe. “This is finally going to make whites begin to realize it’s a necessity to stick up for their own heritage, and that’s going to make them turn to people like me. We’re the next logical step.”

    No one has to accept the statistics of the Southern Poverty Law Center as being factual–just go out on the internet and do a search. Hate groups are growing folks–its undeniable regardless of where you get the information.

    My concern isn’t as much the hate growing in the world–that’s to be expected. Its the same spirit [of hate] which im seeing in Christian circles which concerns me more…

    Hate, however you want to slice it, has infiltrated the hearts of many Christians today. Perhaps, for some, it was always there and is just now showing itself. But for others i’ve met, its a ‘new’ horrible thing appearing.

    I for one believe its part of the antichrist spirit. For that reason alone, we as Christians need to understand how fast its growing in the world at large, and how it is affecting those who claim to follow Christ. My motto is to ‘know my enemy’s plan’.. if possible.

    If we know this spirit is growing stronger and spreading, we can prepare ourselves for NOT being sucked into its deadly vortex. And should never presume its not possible for it to happen to us.

    We don’t have to be card-carrying members of the Klan or any other known fringe hate group to be affected by this spirit folks.

    The above article from the Washington Post concerns but one spoke on this wheel. This is a much deeper subject then Obama, or even any one race–

  17. Voicing one’s opinion in strong terms doesn’t mean one is going to join klan like group.

    Anymore than posting on a Christian web site makes one a Christian.

    There has always been people who hate. I don;t see that changing anytime soon.

    Jesus used some strong terms during His time on the earth. Some that would get Him labels,

    Such as ‘Vipers, thieves, white washed tombs.

    Groups like SPLC use any means they can to promote their agends.

    Maybe a little trip to the Daily Koz and Huffington Post is in order.

    Let’s see the love poured out by these posters.

    PJ, I travel in some wide circles but I am either blind or blessed, because I don’t see hate spreading that you are concerned with. At least in the Christian community.

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