Tag Archive | Truth

Do You Know This?

Came across this at Facebook. Surprisingly, and sadly, many American Christians do not know this.

The primary cause of spiritual blindness

From Possessing the Treasure: 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 […]

“…God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” II Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause – Because they choose error, or their hearts love that more than they do truth. The original reason then of their embracing and adhering to the system was not an arbitrary decree […]

Scofield’s Bible: Handbook for Genocide & Re-defining the darkness of fraud, conspiracy and heresy

I’ve been following a series posted at For the Love of His Truth blog and wanted to share the links.  Someone may consider one or both parts already posted to be quite controversial, in fact, one or both may even ruffle some feathers: but I look at controversial Christian messages and studies in this manner: […]

Beck speech at John Hagee’s recent Washington D.C. CUFI conference

You know, what really floors me today isn’t that there are Glenn Becks out there, it’s the fact that those who listen to him and other similar voices, don’t care one iota if what they’re hearing is true or not. Guess what I’m really saying is few care about truth anymore. Is it like (as one […]

David Barton’s Battle with Truth

Warren Throckmorton has an interesting post up today concerning an article at World Magazine about the on-going David Barton controversy: World’s David Barton Coverage: What Will Evangelicals Do? But what especially caught my eye was a two paragraph section in the middle of his post: In recent weeks, Barton has claimed that Ronald Reagan opposed […]

Truth: It’s More Important Than Who Says It

Good message at 5 Pt. Salt, I’ve always found it interesting that so often in ‘reformed’ circles, people place more value and attention on who is speaking rather than what is being said. It’s dangerous to do that because men are men, and truth is truth. Men are fallible and truth is, well, not. We need […]

Half-Truths and Lies

Recently I received an email from a dear friend who has been a regular reader and commenter here at the blog. I’m not going to mention the person’s name but will reveal they live outside the United States. Of course, if they decide to let them-self be known, that’s fine. 🙂 The reason for sharing […]

“Dear Fox Advertiser…”

Been following the story of Byron Williams who in July was (quote) “traveling to San Francisco with the intention of starting a revolution by killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.” In his recent jail-house confession Williams accredits Glenn Beck, who he believes is (quote) “like a schoolteacher on TV” with […]

Those who sit under false teachers are not victims

Benny Hinn accused…

**Updated** – Steve has since removed the links from his website, Apostasy Watch, (read his reason for doing so below) and because there is nothing more to go on besides the two stories (which are questionable), I’m also removing the bulk of the OP here. What I will leave up was my comment, We are […]

Who is a Christian

Youtube’s Pastor George asks an important question, It seems like the vogue is to say who is and who is not a Christian. What are your parameters? When does a person who says they are a Christian not meet up to the standard? You can read the comments left under the clip here, and also […]

Awake, Awake!

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their […]

Deceived (part 3)

Previously: Part (1) – Part (2) In the special onslaught of the deceiver, which will come upon the whole of the true Church of Christ at the close of the age through the army of deceiving spirits, there are some, more than others, who need light upon his deceptive workings, so that they may pass […]

To those who can’t decide what they believe

By Charles Spurgeon, courtesy of Team Pyro The following excerpt is from “A New Year’s Benediction,” a sermon delivered 1 January 1860 at Exeter Hall in London. Oh, how many there are that are never settled! The tree which should be transplanted every week would soon die. Nay, if it were moved, no matter how […]

Evangelical church opens doors fully to gays

DENVER – The auditorium lights turned low, the service begins with the familiar rhythms of church: children singing, hugs and handshakes of greeting, a plea for donations to fix the boiler. Then the 55-year-old pastor with spiked gray hair and blue jeans launches into his weekly welcome, a poem-like litany that includes the line “queer […]

War, Grace and Truth

An inspiring story From WAR AND GRACE – Short biographies from the World Wars, by Don Stephens. Throughout 1915 the First World War raged in both western and eastern Europe. In the German onslaught in the east against Russia, Paul Robert Schneider, an eighteen-year-old German soldier, received a serious wound in the stomach. For his […]

Persecution and Preparation

“[W]here are they that sincerely resolve and prepare to be followers of them who through faith and patience ‘inherit the promises’ (Hebrews 6:12) or take them for an ‘example of suffering, affliction, and of patience’ (James 5:10)?” Herescope The Discernment Research Group has been publishing warnings about heresies and the activities of leaders promoting heresies […]

Is there ever an exception?

A few years back I was asked by a young Christian couple how serious I thought the last day falling away would get before the end. I recall telling them to be prepared for anything. That before the apostasy is full we should be prepared, and not taken by surprise, even if a number of […]

Christians & Conspiracy Theories: A Call to Repentance (2)

Conspiracy Theory versus Revelation The theory of communism was built on a faulty premise and, thus, was doomed to not work in practice. Christians who believe in the Bible should be able to quickly apprehend that Conspiracy Theory is faulty at its core. Thus we should not be surprised at its failure in practice. Somebody […]

Guarding the Gospel

Steve Lawson at the 2009 Shepherds Conference.

Discernment: Bentley, Orthodoxy, Aberrant Doctrine and Heresy

Perhaps its mere coincidence, but in the last few days I’ve noticed a renewed trend within the words questionable or false prophets are putting out. One which (again) speaks of Portals, Spiritual DNA, Angels, etc. Not that these false teachings ever completely disappeared, but they did seem to slacken off somewhat, in the past year. […]

“Truth cannot be argued” (a conversation)

Dave2 posted this under the topic concerning Ellis Skolfield, and I wanted to share it. The old man awakened in the dark. As he turned, he could not even raise his hand before him, as the weight of the darkness held him still. “Where is there light?”, he thought. “If I can find light, then […]

What does Internet rumor- mongering say about our faith?

Like creatures out of a Grade B horror movie, some urban myths and folk legends refuse to die. And for some reason, they seem to haunt the e-mail in-boxes of Christians more often than not. Thanks to the Internet, some gullible American Christians can engage in one of their favorite hobbies—digging up the metaphorical corpse […]

God is not the Creator, claims academic

The notion of God as the Creator is wrong, claims a top academic, who believes the Bible has been wrongly translated for thousands of years Professor Ellen van Wolde, a respected Old Testament scholar and author, claims the first sentence of Genesis “in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth” is not a […]

Which Jesus?

Came across an interesting interview with John MacArthur concerning his book, The Jesus You Can’t Ignore. – Can you tell us the thrust of the book? Well, I think there’s a pop-Jesus that exists in the minds of most evangelicals that doesn’t really reflect the true Jesus of Scripture. There’s a Jesus that people are […]

Rooted and Grounded In Christ

Teaching Sound Doctrine & Glorifying Christ


Lead me O Lord

I Was a Teenage Dispensationalist

It's the end (of the end) of the world as we know it...